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Stock Ordering System

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AwardPro's Stock Ordering system is easy to use but has complex background workings that are highly evolved to meet the needs of a trophy/Promotional Retail Business. It is designed from the ground up to ensure that stock ordering is easy  and that all the things that happen in your business is catered for.


Stock Ordering incorporates:


·         Re-order amount settings

·         Stock Picking of jobs to refine the requirement

·         Inventory allocation take up as sales are made

·         Accumulative requirements for components from multiple customer needs

·         Purchase price based on accumulative tally to quantity being ordered

·         Automatic Purchase order generation

·         Permanent attachments on purchase orders so special instruction can be  sent

·         Easy emailing of orders

·         Order tracking system

·         Back order system

·         Stock swapping system

·         Order received assignment

·         Stock sorting form


In this document we will go through these areas briefly in an attempt to provide the thread for the facilities of Stock Ordering. We will refer you to detailed documentation along the way, recommend training videos and  provide you with links to Stock Ordering Procedures.



Stock Ordering Overview

When products or components are added to a sales order the stock requirements are automatically gathered and placed onto the appropriate suppliers order. This replaces the need to go through orders and work out component needs.


A shift of labour occurs where, once the sales person would write an order and the stock manager would work out the requirements, now the sales person diligently adds products and makes componentry adjustments as the customer requests using the easy access tools AwardPro provides and once the order is saved all the stock needs are accumulated.


You can instantly see a list of job stock requirements on every sales order screen by opening the Job Stock Screen which shows you what stock is required and whether any of it is coming form stock. This form even allows you to adjust the requirement if you know that you have in stock what the system wants to order.


If you have entered your inventory into AwardPro the program will check the stock, allocate available stock and order the rest. It even check any outstanding (not received) supplier purchase orders to see if their is any available stock on order.


If the Sales order changes  up or down the system will make the necessary adjustments and warn you if tock has already arrived or is order but bot yet arrived. In these situations AwardPro provides a solution to handle the adjustment correctly. Stock Integrity is managed by pop up forms offering re-allocation choices.


Once sales orders are written stock ordering has automatically been prepared for you to check and send. If you have not entered your inventory level you will need to check the stock requirements and adjust any stock order requirements to remove the stock you know you have using the Job Stock Screen.


Stock adjustments should be made via the Job Stock Management system as this shows stock requirements based on the customers sales orders. You can however make adjustments directly on the Suppliers Purchase Order form and these adjustments will automatically be reflected on the Job Stock Management form. We do not advice this however because even though the program will go back to the Job Stock requirements and make the adjustments it is easier to manage from Job Stock Management and you can see the whole job regardless of supplier form Job Stock Management  screen.


So far we have discussed the Stock ordering system in it's preparatory stages:

1.      Writing sales orders and getting stock requirements automatically generated.

2.      Making adjustments as needed via the Job Stock Screen

3.      Supplier orders automatically generated


Placing Supplier Purchase orders is easy. You can print them and fax them or use the email system.


You will need to select a contact person and the date you require the goods. The program makes you choose a contact so that it knows which email address to send it to and it makes you chose a date required so that you always tell the supplier when you require the order by.


You can add shipping instructions and supplier notes and any attachments from components that have been set to send with purchase orders will be attached to the order.


Now that stock is ordered it becomes listed on the Outstanding Orders list and here you can see valuable information such as: When the order is due to arrive, When the first job finish date is that is related to the order, the order number and a reference if you added one.


Suppliers in our industry sometimes run out of components you need. Three things can happen:


1.      They ring and inform you that component xyz is not available but they have another part suitable. AwardPro shows you who the part is for and when it is required by. It also has an easy stock swap system full of handy features to make swapping the component systemic and easy.

2.      They ring and inform you that component xyz is not available and they have no replacement. AwardPro shows you who the part is for and when it is required by. It allows you to remove the component from the order and makes it easy for you to go the customers order and make amendments that automatically get placed into the stock ordering system.

3.      They ring and inform you that the required component is out of stock but will be in stock by a certain date. As the program shows you who the components are for and when they are required you can make a quick decision whether the availability date will suit. If so you can quickly use the Back Order System to move the component to a new order with a new delivery date.


Once you receive the goods you should press the received button which moves the order to the received list and also marks the stock as received on the Job Stock Forms status listing. You can mark an order as received before you have checked that all the stock has arrived as you can make adjustments to received orders at any time.


The last part of the stock ordering system is the Stock Sorting Form. A document that you can print out which shows who all the stock is for. This form makes it very easy to work out the allocation of stock to the correct customer.



The AwardPro Stock Ordering System will provide you with a fast effective solution to the tumultuous manual task of stock ordering. Used properly it will come close to eliminating errors and those forgotten parts that slow down production and it will save you lots of time in stock management.


Suppliers will appreciate your alpha/numerically automatically typed stock orders and they will love the way you handle the out of stock issues.


Stock Order System Features

Below is a brief description of the AwardPro Stock Order system features and links to there detailed documentation.


Click on any of the headings to go to detailed documentation


Re-order amount settings

You can set re-order amount for components so that they always order at least a certain quantity when they are required.


Stock Picking of jobs to refine the requirement

The systems Job Stock Management System provides the tools to be able to see what is in stock and pick the stock for the customer.


Inventory allocation take up as sales are made

AwardPro allocates stock on hand to jobs as they are required using up stock already purchased. It will use inventory stock first and then will order whatever else is required.


Accumulative requirements for components from multiple customer needs

If more than one customer requires the same component and inventory will be used up by the first customers and then all extra component needs will be automatically added to a pending supplier order.


Purchase price based on accumulative tally to quantity being ordered.

The total customers accumulative requirement of the component is added together and the purchase price is adjusted to the quantity level needed.


Automatic Purchase order generation

AwardPro instantly generates an automatic Supplier Pending Order ready for you to place with the supplier.


Permanent attachments on purchase orders so special instruction can be  sent 

Attachments can be added to components and you can tell the system to send the attachments with any purchase order so that Manufacturing instructions always get sent to the supplier.


Easy Emailing of Orders

You can send the purchase orders to suppliers via email using Microsoft Outlook making the ordering system fast and steam lined.


Outstanding Order Tracking System

You get a list of all outstanding orders so you can keep your eye on them and ensure stock arrives on time.


Back Oder System

Components can quickly and easily be moved from one order to another and a new date set to coincide with the a suppliers promised delivery date of back ordered goods.


Stock Swapping System

A fabulous tool that makes it fast and easy to deal with out of stock items. This might well be the stock managers favorite part of the program.


Order Received Assignment

Once you receive stock orders mark them as received and the program informs Job Stock management and the Outstanding Jobs schedule that the stock has arrived.


Stock Sorting Form

A form that shows you who the stock is for when you are sorting the boxes of delivered goods.



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