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Stock Swapping System

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Stock Swapping System makes it quick and easy to make changes to sales orders when a supplier is out of stock of your requirement but can provide an alternative.


This system shows you Who the goods are for and when they are required so you have decision making information immediately at your finger tips. You just need to open the supplier order in question and view the breakdown.


If you accept the suppliers alternative the Stock Swapping System will make it quick and painless to make the swap and get all records adjusted immediately.


But there are an array of factors that need to be considered and AwardPros Stock Swap Screen provides solutions to these nuance factors;


What if the price is different?

The Stock Swap form shows the the original parts price and the replacing parts price. You can adjust the price of the new component to match or to what ever agreement you glean from the supplier. If there is a firm price difference you are given the option of maintaining the sale price on the customers order to avoid small price change interaction.


What if you already have the alternative component in stock?

The Stock Swap Screen shows you this information so you can inform the supplier that you do need need supply of the alternative as you will activate the use of the stock on hand.


What if there is another order coming in from the supplier with the alternative component listed as ASO Available Stock on Order?

In the unlikely event that you have another Outstanding Order with the same supplier and that order has the offered replacement stock coming in set as ASO - Available Stock on Order you will see this information on the Stock Swap Screen.


What if the quantity of the part that cannot be supplied was only part of the quantity required for the job as some came from stock?

Again the Stock Swap Screen shows you this information helping you make correct choices.


Stock Swapping Screen.


Job Number: Shows the Sales Orders Job Number

Customer: Shows the Customer

Component: Shows the component that is being swapped

Total Job Qty: Shows the total amount of components required for the job


If there are more than one jobs involved all jobs will be shown here.


Qty: The quantity that is expected to be required. You can adjust this quantity her if you have some in stock or need more to fulfill the order.


New Component: Select the alternative component from the type assisted drop down box

Original Price: Shows the price for the original component


New Price: Shows the price for the alternative component. This price can be adjusted to match any agreement made with the supplier. The value recorded here will be shown on the Suppliers Order and on the Sales screen costing value.


In Stock: Shows the quantity of any in stock components being used as a replacement. If you have stock already you can select the USE check Box to utelise the stock you already have. Order quantities adjust automatically.


ASO: Shows the quantity of any stock of the replacing component that is in an outstanding order and not allocated to any other job. If you have stock already you can select the USE check Box to utelise the stock you already have. Order quantities adjust automatically.


Preserve Original Sale Price: If the replacement component is a different price the Sales order total will be effected as a re-calculation will take place. However if you tick the Preserve Original Sales Price check box the Sales price will remain the same regardless of whether the components price is different.


The System defaults this selection as Ticked


Print New Job Sheet: Once you have made a component change the sales order breakdown will be different and the Job sheet in the manufacturing plant will be incorrect. By ticking the Print New Job Sheet a new Job Sheet will be Printed once the Stock Swapping window is closed. This New corrected Job Sheet can replace the one already in production.


The System defaults this selection as Ticked


Stock Swapping Procedure.


The Stock Swapping System is designed to be used while you are on the phone to the supplier.


When the supplier calls you can handle the situation while they are on the phone. Just open the Outstanding Supplier Order they are referring to, find the component they are calling about and open the breakdown to see who the goods are for and when they are required.


Step 1

1.      Go to the Outstanding Orders Screen and open the relevant supplier order

2.      Select the line item that the supplier is calling about

3.      Double Click on the line to open the lines Break Down


Here you can see  - who the customer/s is/are and when they need the goods by.


Step 2 - Make a Swap

If you accept the suppliers offer to swap the out of stock component with an alternative:


1.  Press the Swap Button on the Order Detail Breakdown.



The Stock Swap Screen opens with the unavailable components detail.



2.  Enter the replacement component in the new Component Field.

3.  Check the In Stock and ASO fields to see if there is any stock in these areas.

If there are you can tick the Use box to use the stock.

4.   Determine if the quantity in the Qty Field is enough to fulfill the customers needs.

Make any adjustments necessary.

5.   Consider if you want to Preserve the Original Sales Price or not.

6.   Consider if you want to print a new Job Sheet.

7.   Once you have considered and actioned all options Press OK.


The Stock is now replaced on the Suppliers order and the customers Sales Order and the adjustment is complete.


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