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Attachments can are files of any kind that are attached to a product, a component, or a sales order. It's a very handy way of connecting data so as to always have information at your finger tips when you want it.


Attachments can be any kind of file; jpg, cdr, ai, pdf, doc, etc. Any file what so ever c an be assigned to a component, Product or sales order.


These files can be viewed by double clicking on them. They will simply open in the program they are designed to open in.


Attachments can be assigned to print or become and email attachment with the forms: Job Sheets, Quotes, Order Confirmations and Supplier Orders. At the point of print or email you will be asked if you want to print or email the assigned attachments.


Most software programs embed attachments/images into it's data base but not AwardPro. It understands you may wish to attach a mass of files and so treats attachments as hyper links. It takes a copy of the file being attached and places it in a special attachment file within the AwardPro program directory but outside the data base. This way the data base does not grow to an enormous size and slow down as a consequences.


You can attach files by selecting the browse button and finding the file or by simply dragging the file to the attachment screen.


How to attach a file by Browsing


From the Component  Editor, Product Editor or Sales Screen select the attachment tab.


This image is from the product editor

1.      To select a file press Browse.

2.      Find the file on your computer system and select it.

3.      In the Description field, give the file a title. This description allows you to see what the file is and what it is for.

4.      If you wish to assign the files to print or email with a certain form check the forms selection box.

5.      Press Save.


·         The file will know appear in the 'Description/File Name grid'

·         You can double click on the file to open it

·         You can delete the file form the repository by pressing the x button at the end of the File Name field in the grid.



How to Attach a File by Dragging



1.      Open the attachment screen

2.      Find the file to drag

3.      Click on the file and drag it to the screen






·         To add a description or to choose a form to print with click on the > tab at the left of the file Name

·         Press Save after your action










 At the Print Point

When you go to print or email a Quote, Order Confirmation, Supplier Order or Job Sheet any attachment file that has been assigned to the form will appear in the Attachment Chooser Form allowing you to choose to print/email it if you want to.



Email attachments

Check the box to attach the file to the email you are sending


Print Attachments

The program will send the form to print and the Attachment chooser will be open. In order to print any of the attachments that are assigned simple double click on them, open them and print them.



The See All button on the Sales Screen Attachment screen allows you to see any attachments that are attached through the component or Product. So you can see all files attached to the job.


Sales Order screen


You will also find a View Attachments button on the supplier order form so that you can see attachments that have been attached to the supplier order via a component.


Supplier Order Screen



What would you want to add as an attachment.

AwardPro provides the facility to have an image of all products and components attached for viewing or printing. You may not want to do this for all products or components but you may want to attach images some special products or components.


You can copy images such as jpegs into note pads however this does use up memory and a lot of image pasting will result in a slowing of the programs performance.


Lets take a look at the way we can utelise attachments.



Ideal for manufacturing instructions or drawings for customized components. Specifications of custom timber products can be attached to components and then assigned to print with supplier orders. So every time this component is required form your supplier the spec sheet will print with it saving you the effort of finding that file again and making things clear for the supplier.


You could also attach files such as the suppliers quote for the goods so you have an "attached" record for posterity.



Ideal for Custom made product images to help you remember what they look like. You could attach images of or specialised manufacturing instructions. These files can be assigned to print with quotes or/and Job Sheets so that your manufacturing team is always clear as to what is required.





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