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Stock Integrity when changing a Sales Order.

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If you have written a sales order and the customer then wants to makes change to the quantity, choose different product, cancel the product or cancel the whole job you need to be able to manage the stock issues in various ways depending on if the stock required a) came for stock on hand, b)was sitting in pending order, c) the stock has already been placed with the supplier but not yet received or the stock has already been ordered and received. 


In all situations AwardPro will help you handle stock so that adjustments can be made ensuring you don't end up with excess stock and that you do end up with the correct amount of stock for the job. This help document explains what happens.


Dealing with sales change when stock is on hand.

If you change the quantities up or down the system simply moves the SOH up and down when you save the sale. No need to do anything.


Dealing with sales change when stock requirements have been placed on Pending Supply Order.

The components have been added to a supplier order that has not yet been placed. If you change the quantities up or down the system simply moves the SOH up and down when you save the sale. No need to do anything.


Dealing with sales change when stock requirements have been placed on Outstanding Supply Order.

The components have been added to a supplier order and that order has already been placed with the supplier.


·         If you change the quantities up the new stock requirement gets added to a pending order for that supplier. So the extra stock requirement gets ordered with the next supplier order.


·         If you change the quantities down you will get prompted with a 'Sales Order Change' window asking you to manage the change.



Sales Order Change Down Screen - Outstanding Supplier Order.

1.      Check the box of the item you wish to work with or check all to work with all.

2.      Choose 1 of 2 possible actions - Add component to Inventory or Cancel component order.


Add Component to Inventory: The stock will stay on supply order but will be re-allocated to Available stock on order.

Cancel Component Order: The stock will be removed from the supplier order and will not be added to stock.


Warning: Canceling component order requires you to make contact with the supplier. Whilst the goods are removed from the Outstanding Order in the system, the supplier needs to be informed by calling them or emailing, faxing etc. You could actually re-email the supplier order with a notation on it saying something like. "This order has changed. Please remove xxx from the original order"


Dealing with sales change when stock requirements have been Received

The components have been added to a supplier order and that order has already been placed received. 


If you change the quantities up the new stock requirement gets added to a pending order for that supplier. So the extra stock requirement gets ordered with the next supplier order.


If you change the quantities down you will get prompted with a 'Sales Order Change' window asking you to manage the change.



Sales Order Change Screen - Received.

1.      Check the box of the item you wish to work with or check all to work with all

2.      Choose 1 of 2 possible actions - Add component to Inventory, Return Components to supplier.


Add Component to Inventory: The stock will stay on the received supply order but will be re-allocated to inventory - Stock on Hand.


Return Components to Supplier: The stock will stay on the Received Supplier order but will not be added to stock.


Warning: Choosing Return Components to Supplier does not automatically return the goods. You need to take physical action to return the goods and you need to inform the supplier.



AwardPro provides a quick solution to order changes and stock management to help you deal with the daily occurrences in your business. The program tries at all times to minimise excess stock accumulation.






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