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Job Stock Management

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The Job Stock Management System saves you hours of manual work. All sales orders automatically generate a stock requirement list. This list takes into account and notes any Stock on Hand before listing stock to be ordered.


From the Job Stock Management list you can adjust SOH or Required to order quantities if the SOH quantities are not reflecting whats on the shelf. It becomes a preliminary stock check before ordering. After the goods are ordered you can see the ordered date, due by date and received date to keep all staff informed of stock movement.


You can view the listing from each individual job or by opening the Job Stock Management link in the Stock Control Module or the Production Module


The Stock Manager opens the Job Stock Management listing each day and deals with stock requirements stock picking stock on hand and making sure everything is in order. Once the job has been dealt with check the Stock Picked box and the job is removed from the list.



Job Stock Management Listing



·         Shows all Jobs that have not been stock picked


·         Double click on any job to open the Job Stock List


·         Once a Job has been Stock Picked it is automatically removed form the list.

·         To see all current jobs including stock picked check the All radio button. Comes in handy when you accidentally check a job off before you have completed the job stock management.


This form should be cleared regularly, Preferably daily. It shows all jobs that have recently been written and require stock management. Clearing this list daily ensures that all job stock is taken care of promptly.


Job Stock Management Listing


When double click on the job in the Job Stock management Screen this Job Stock Listing opens and provides a dynamic tool to help you manage stock needs for each job.


The Job Stock List below can be opened via the Job Stock Management List above or via the Sales Order Screen


Sales order screen Job Stock Button


This screen shows all stock requirements and whether they are in stock or need to be ordered.


Why are some lines shown in red text?

If you see any component lines in red this means that the component has a Variable requirement and the sales person elected to "Make the Choice Later". The Stock Manager should act on these red lines and get the correct information added to the sales screen Variation Form before placing the stock order. It's a simple but effective way of catching any loose ends before the supplier rings to ask what size, what colour etc.


Header section:

Useful information such as the customer name, when the job is due for completion and if the customers imprinting details have been received are shown on the header of the screen to help in job management.


Stock Picked:

Once you have stock picked and dealt with any other stock situation for the job check the stock picked box to remove the job from the Job Stock Management Listing.


You can get the screen back again by selecting all on the Job Stock management Screen or by going to the actual job and opening it via the Job Stock button.



Allows you to check off some of the stock lines and not others. You may not be able to stock pick all in the open session so by checking what you have done you will know where you are up to when you return to the form to finalise the task.



Shows the total quantity of component required for the job.


Stock: (Stock on Hand)

Shows what the system thinks you have in stock. This is an adjustable value.


You can adjust the Stock (Stock on Hand) values if you find that the system and real stock are not the same. By adjusting the Stock on hand value you will automatically adjust the suppliers pending order.


On Order:

Shows the quantity required to purchase for the job after deducting what values are in the stock on hand field.


In the case of Sell Part of componentry the value may show less than 1 such as 0.60. The system knows that it has to buy a full part from the supplier so on the purchase order it will show the value of 1. The breakdown of the 1 will be: 0.60 for the customer and  0.40 for Available Stock on Order (ASO). Unless ofcourse another customer requires some of the stock for their job in which case the stock gets allocated to them.


Special Note

Because we have Sell Part of componentry the above values show two decimal places to accommodate part of requirements. You cannot have a less than 1 value for any component that does not have a Sell Part of Status.



Shows the suppliers component code. You can open the components information card by double clicking on any code.


Order Number:

Shows the Suppliers Order Number. If there is no purchase requirement there will be no order number



Shows the date the goods were ordered



Shows the date the goods are due to arrive



Shows the date the goods were marked as received. This requires a physical action of marking the order as received of the Suppliers order form.


The order dates show, at a glance, what status the stock is allowing all staff to see what the situation is. The Sand Blaster can check to see if the Glass trophies have arrived yet saving the Production manager the interruption of the query.


Once all stock has been received for a job the Stock Received box is checked on the Outstanding Job Schedule providing another flag to help staff determine job status.



The Job Stock Management form can be printed out if preferred but it is more dynamic to work directly off the screen, checking of as you go. You may however like to print out jobs that have stock picking requirements and then take them all with you to the stock bays and pick job stock in bulk then come back to the screen to update the pages before setting them as stock picked.


View Job:

To open the Job simply press the View Job button at the bottom of the screen. (This function is de-activated when you open the form from a Sales order screen.)


What happens when I check the Job As Stock Picked and then the customer adds to the order?

If you have already checked the job stock picked button and removed the job from Job Stock Management then order will re-appear in the Job Stock Management list and the goods that have been stock picked will be ticked. The additional goods will not be ticked so you can see what has to be dealt with.






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