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Placing Supplier Orders

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Supplier Orders get automatically generated but you can also add to the orders or create a new Order without having a link to a customer sale.


Orders can be emailed via Microsoft Outlook or printed.


Once an order has been placed it is considered and Outstanding Supplier Order and is found in the Outstanding Orders List.


Before placing an order

Before Placing an order check to see if the componentry is correct. You should alway use the Job Stock Management feature to adjust stock before placing the order.


Placing the Order

Before an order can be sent to the supplier you must choose a contact to send the order too and a date required.


Once you are satisfied that the order is correct simply press the Email or Print Button. Once you have pressed one of these buttons, regardless of if you halt the action before finalizing the the send the program will think you have sent the Order and the order will be placed in the Outstanding Orders list.


Emailing Orders

It is convenient to email orders to suppliers. By pressing the email button the program will generate a PDF file and attach it to a new email addressed to the supplier you have chosen.


A handy idea is to create a signature in Outlook specifically for supplier order placements so that you have a form signature to save writing in the email each time. An example of a form Supplier Order signature is:


Dear Supplier,


Please find attached a Purchase order for goods. Please note the required by date on the order form. Please email back to me acknowledging receipt of this purchase order.


Thanks very much,


Your normal signature






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