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Back Order System

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The Back order system provides a facility to move components from one supplier order to another "new" Supplier Order with a new receive date.


When a supplier calls to inform you that they can not supply an ordered item right now but can when the goods come in. You can go to the Order Detail Breakdown to see who the goods are for and when the the job is due to be completed. This immediately clarifies whether the new delivery date will suit the order deadline.


You can then determine to place the goods on Back Order or swap it with an alternative or cancel the order and find an alternative from a different supplier.


Step 1 - Determine


1.      Go to the Outstanding Orders Screen and open the relevant supplier order

2.      Select the line item that the supplier is calling about

3.      Double Click on the line to open the lines Break Down


Here you can see  - who the customer/s is/are and when they need the goods by.


Place the goods on Back Order

The supplier has offered a new delivery date and this date suits the Jobs Deadline.


1.      Close the Breakdown Screen

2.      Check the Line items check box (You can check all or multiple line items)

3.      Press Back Order Button




The Back Order screen opens with the component being moved listed.


4.  Choose a new delivery date

5.   Press OK


The goods immediately are removed from the original supplier order and placed on a new Outstanding Supplier Order with a reference marked as BACK ORDER. The delivery date is marked as the date you elected.



All information is transfered. The Sales Job Stock will show the new supplier order number and due date and the Back Order will have a Stock Sorting Form with the correct information.



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