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Receiving Stock

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When stock comes in you have received it, so it should be marked as received. By marking it as received three important things happen.


1.      The order is moved to received status window and it is marked with a received date.
So your Outstanding Orders lists stays up to date and is not cluttered with orders that have been received and you have a record of when you received the order.

2.      The Job Stock Sheets get stamped with he received date.
This is a great way for staff to see if stock has arrived. It saves interrupting the stock manager to ask if stock has been received.

3.      When all goods for a Job have been received the Outstanding Job Schedule will show a tick in the received column.
So at a glance, The production team can see that all supplier orders for a certain customer job have been received and therefore the job can be produced without delay.

4.      The Stock Sorting Sheet becomes available.
This sheet has a list of all of the goods in the received order and who the goods are for. It helps you quickly sort the box out into customer lots


Marking the supplier order as received allows all staff can instantly see if all stock for the order has been received.



1.      Open the received order via the Outstanding Supplier Orders list

2.      Press the Received Button

3.      The Order is now considered Received


Once the Received button has been pressed it becomes in active and the text changes to light grey.


Checking Stock

By using the Stock Sorting form you can check the stock quantities as you distribute the stock to customers.


AwardPro is designed to assist the process of sorting stock into customer job boxes in preparation for assembly. The Stock Sorting form is designed as a stock distribution sheet.


You do not, however, have to sort stock into Job lots you could just leave the boxes un packed and leave the stock sorting sheet on top of the boxes so that you can tell "whats in the box" and perhaps even  check off on the list as you take from the boxes.







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