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Outstanding Order List

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The Outstanding Supplier Order list provides a variety of services to you. It shows all orders that have been placed and not received.


The design provides a list of orders coming in with the date required set as the listing priority. It also shows when the earliest customer due date is for each supplier order, a job number and order reference.          


You can find outstanding orders here, organised and tracked.


Double click any line to open the order


Sort by any column


Job Date

The very first customer finish date involved in all of the customer orders involved in the order. So you always know when the customer needs the stock as well as when you have requested the stock by.


Order Reference

Created on the Suppliers Order Screen, the Order Reference serves  as an important part of any supplier order with an important reference detailing.  It helps you identify orders quickly and provides a priority prompt to help you identify work and it's priority list.




Open Order -  Double click on any line


Stock Swapping - See Stock Swapping


Back Order - See Back Order


Receive Orders - See Receive Orders


ASO - Available Stock On Order



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