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Available Stock on Order - ASO

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Available Stock on Order, also known as ASO is inventory stock that is ordered but not received. It is stock on it's way that has been ordered but not allocated to a customer. It is "stock on order" that is available for customer use. The system will automatically allocate this stock to any customer order taken that requires it even before the stock arrives.


How ASO Gets Activated


1. When you set a component with a re-order quantity and that level of order is activated when a customer requires less than the Re-Order Level the extra stock (inventory factor) is assigned ASO - Available Stock on Order. In the Supplier Order breakdown you can see the amount of stock that is allocated as ASO.


2. If you add componentry directly to a Supplier Order and mark it as for Inventory that stock will be shown in the Supplier Order breakdown as ASO.


3. If you reduce or delete stock requirements from a sales order after the stock has been ordered but not received you will be asked if you want to cancel the stock order or add the stock to inventory. If you add it to inventory it becomes ASO while it is in transit.


Interaction with New Sales Orders


If an outstanding supplier order has Available Stock on Order this stock is available for any sales order that is written requiring it even before the stock arrives.


Lets say there is a component on order called XYZ and 20 of them is ASO allocated. If a sales order is written and it requires say 8 of the XYZ components the system will automatically re-allocate the stock to the customer. The new ASO quantity on the supplier order is set at 12 and the Stock sorting form will list the correct customer distribution.


When a component is required for a sales order the system checks to see if there is any inventory stock and is there is any Available Stock on Order. This ensures that you are not doubling up and that your stock managers stock picking list is always correct.


Sell Part Of Components


ASO works with Sell Part of components. If you have on order 1 sheet of Laser Ply and only 60% of the sheet is required, the other 40% will be seen as .40 ASO. So even Sell Part of stock is managed in this finite way.


When ASO stock is Received.

Once ASO stock is marked as received the stock automatically becomes allocated to Inventory.


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