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Supplier Order Form

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The supplier Order form provides utilities to help you manage stock ordering and the nuances that go with it. It shows you whats on order, who it's fro and when it is required by. There are some features on this form that will help you manage the situations that regularly arise providing a fast and efficient solution.



Supplier - New: When you open a New supplier order you can either select an existing supplier or create a new supplier by pressing the New button .


Supplier - View: To view the selected suppliers, or any suppliers, information card press the View Button


Ship to / Bill To: Your company default registered address is shown here and will be displayed on The Suppliers Order when sent to the supplier.


You can edit this field and the edit will be displayed on the Suppliers Order Form.


Order Number: Stock order numbers automatically generated. The order numbers are not editable.


Date Ordered: This will be the date and Time you send the order to the supplier. This date will be based on the time and date that you pressed either the Email or Print Button.


Job Date: AwardPro check all customer orders related to the Supplier Order at hand and works out the first finish date of all of them and displays this date here. You can also see this date in the Supplier Order lists (Pending and Outstanding)


Contact: The contact Person is the person in your organisation that is responsible for the stock order. In most cases this will be the Stock Manager. The contact person will default to the logged in person using the program. The contact person can be changed by using the drop down.


Order Reference:You can add a reference line here that is displayed on the suppliers order form and on the Order lists (Pending, Outstanding and Received) This is a handy feature and help you quickly identify orders. See Outstanding Orders List.


Attention: In order for the program to know which email address to use you need to select a contact. Some suppliers do not need a specific contact and can have a contact set up on the card called Sales with the sales email address set up here which then becomes the recognised purchasing email listing.


Required By: Select a date that you require the order by. This date is displayed on the suppliers Order form and on the Outstanding Supplier Orders List.


Attention and Required by must be detailed in order for the order to be printed or emailed.


Order Items


Quantity: the accumulated sum of any customer order requirements or/and inventory or extraordinary stock.


Unit Price: Before Tax unit price based on the quantity being ordered. The Unit Price can be changed here to any value you wish.


Quantity Price Tally

If the component being ordered has different prices for different quantities the program will display the quantity buy price here and expect to pay that much. If the quantity required is made up from a variety of orders or inventory purchasing the program tallies all requirements into one line entry and calculates you buy price based on the components qty point price.


Ofcourse you must have the correct prices set in your system in order to show the correct prices automatically.


Discount: If the Suppliers card has an agreed discount value this will be shown here and the price will be totaled after the discount has been applied.


You can also manually add a discount amount for each or any line entry.


Total: Before Tax


Adjusting Stock Quantities from the Supplier Order Screen

AwardPro is fundamentally designed to have stock adjustments handled at the Job Stock Screen. You can however adjust quantities at the supplier order screen which will then be reflected at the Job Stock Screen.


X - Deleting a Component from a Supplier Order

On the right hand perimeter of the line item grid their is a row of X's. These X's are delete buttons.

You can delete a component line from a supplier order but it is not advisable to do so as the stock is likely needed for a sales order. You should remove stock via the Job Stock Screen


If you do delete a component it does not remove the component from Job stock requirements, it just means that you won't be ordering the component. In the Job Stock grid you will see:


1.      The component is still listed on the Job Stock list but there will be no supplier purchase order number assigned to the component

2.      The 'On Order' quantity will be adjusted to zero and the Stock on Hand will be adjusted to the full compliment of requirement. If you remove a job allocated component from a suppliers stock order AwardPro will presume that you have the stock so it will adjust the Job Stock listing accordingly.


Add Item:

Opens the add item screen so you can add an item to the order. If you choose to add an item that is already listed on the order the newly added quantity will be added to the existing line item and the price adjusted according to the quantity buy price.


Get Quote:

If you check any or all of the components on order form and press get quote you will be required to select the supplier or suppliers to send the quote request to and then the components details will be placed in the body of a new email addressed to the selected supplier/s. The suppliers email address is added to the bcc: line so that the email address of all you are sending to remains discrete.



Select any line item on the order and press Break Down button to open the allocation requirement screen which shows who the components are for and when they are required. You can also just double click on the line item to open the allocation screen.


The Allocation screen also has the Stock Swapping button.


Cancel Order:

You can cancel an order but before doing this you have to delete any items in the order. Canceling an order should not be a normal occurrence as usually components on orders are required for jobs.


Canceling and order does not remove the components from their jobs.


View Attachments.

Components can have files attached to them and assigned to be printable at the time of printing or emailing the order. View Attachments button lets you see any files that are assigned to print with supplier orders.


Freight: If you know the freight charge for the supplier you can add the charge here


Supplier Notes

On the Supplier card, if you have added anything to the Order Form Notes they will be shown here. You can delete these notes or edit/add to them. The note pad is rich Text editable so double click on a blank part of the note pad to open the rich text editing tools and make bold you special note to the supplier.


Shipping Instructions

Another Rich text editable Note Pad that gets displayed of the suppliers order form under the heading Shipping Instructions.


Order surcharge

On the Supplier Card you can enter a) a Supplier small order surcharge and a Minimum Order amount.


If the suppliers order does not reach the minimum order amount and there is a surcharge set this value will be displayed here and calculated into the order.



When stock comes in: Open the supplier order and press the received Button. The date is added to the calender field next to the order button and Stock is considered received. if you unchecked the check box next to the Received Button you will return the order back to not received.


Once stock has been marked as received the the Print Stock Sorting Button becomes active and can be used.


See also:

Receiving Stock Document

Receiving Stock Procedure


Print Stock Sorting Button

Once the supplier Order has been received the Print Stock Sorting Button becomes activated and you can print out, or view on screen, a form to show you who the stock in the order is for.


Adjustments: A convenient Adjustment notice is provided. The form is in the way of Excel spread sheet so it can be re designed to suit your own business model.


Email/Print Order

Once you press the Email or Print order, if you cancel the email or print action the program will still consider the Order placed and the Pending Stock order will be moved to Outstanding Supplier Order list.


You can email or print the order form. Emailing requires the interaction of Microsoft Outlook. Outlook Express and Modzilla email systems do not work with AwardPro.


See Also:

Placing Supplier Orders document

Placing Supplier Orders Procedure.



How to:

Delete a Suppliers Purchase Order

Use Cancel Order Button  but component must be removed first. Click here for details










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