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Get Quote

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The get quote system facilitates the Task of getting quotes for components and products. It provides a quick access point to Component Type Suppliers and your email system.


You can select a supplier or multiple suppliers and email component details so as to receive a quote.


The Get Quote Facility can be accessed from variety of places within AwardPro.


The Get Quote Facility can be accessed from the Component Editor or Component List and the Supplier Order Form.


From the Component Editor

·         While a component is on the screen press the Get Quote button and the Get Quote System Opens.



1.      The get Quote suppliers list appears and you check the suppliers you want to get a quote from

2.      Then press the Add arrow ( > ) to move the selected suppliers to move them to the right hand selection bay.

3.      Press Send Email


          An Email will be opened with:


·         All selected supplier's added to the bcc field of the email recipients placing

·         The components code and description is deposited in the emails message body


          You can then fashion an email with the component detail and send to the suppliers.


From the Component List

·         Select the component or components that you want to get a quote from by checking their selection box.

·         Press the Get Quote button.


          The get Quote suppliers list appears and you check the suppliers you want to get a quote from.


1.      Then press the Add arrow ( > ) to move the selected suppliers to move them to the right hand selection bay.

2.      Press Send Email


          An Email will be Created with:


·         All selected supplier's added to the bcc field of the email recipients placing

·         The component codes and description is deposited in the emails message body


          You can then fashion an email with the component detail and send to the suppliers.


Non Component selected get Quote.

You can also get quotes for non system components by using the Send Email facility on the Supplier List.


This is ideal for when you want to get a quote before creating the component.




Select the Supplier or Suppliers that you wish to obtain a quote from by checking the Suppliers selection box.

Press the Email Selected Button


An email will be created with:


·         All selected supplier's added to the bcc field of the email recipients placing.


Now you can attach a file to an email and email to all selected suppliers.


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