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Supplier Card

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The Supplier Card houses information about your suppliers. It interacts with Component Cards, Purchase Orders and Sales Order forms. The more detail you add the more effective the card is. Particularly note the Components Supplied section that connects types of components and services to component supply search facility. We have set up the pre-installed suppliers for you however we have not checked ever type of component that the major Suppliers offer.





You can have multiple contacts for each supplier. Each contact can have a different set of phone numbers, email address and mailing address.


In order for the program to know which email address to use you need to select a contact. Some suppliers do not need a specific contact and can have a contact set up on the card called Sales with the sales email address set up here which then becomes the recognised purchasing email listing.



When you add the Shipping Address it automatically becomes the Postage address as well. You can change the Postal address if required.


Email and website

double click on the email or web address and you will automatically go to a new email or web address


Components Supplied

You can check multiple component types to assign suppliers to them so that you can search suppliers of particular component types. The more detailed you make it the more effective the search is.


This feature is particularly effective for those odd suppliers that you don't use allot such as Brass sheet or adhesive suppliers etc. Promotional products such as wrist bands can also be grouped and bulk emails sent to to get competitive quotes. Take a look at Get Quote and Component Lists


This is a really good feature and you should take the time to utelise it. Click here to view video on Components Supplied


Price Level Reckoner

This facility has no interaction with any part of the program whats so ever and does not need to be used. It is fashioned primarily on Major Trophy Suppliers who typically have three price levels and have a price level system. This is just a place to record that information for quick reference.


Purchasing Analysis Summary


These values will build as you purchase goods and is a quick reference of how much you spend with suppliers. The values are only as accurate as the integrity you put into purchasing. If you don't use the cancel component facility correctly  or process orders that don't count or don't remove discrepancies you values won't be accurate.


It is best to consider these values as estimates


Component Only Mark Up

Default is set to 100% but can be changed on the supplier's card or at the Component editor.


If the component is added to a sales order line item as a Component and not part of a products Bill of materials, the the single component will be marked up by this value.


Increase Component Cost By %



This facility allows you to increase the suppliers component costs by a certain percentage for the sake of adding in other costs incurred in using this component such as freight costs or storage costs. Lets say we are buying goods from a giftware supplier and they have a minimum order or a hefty freight charge. It is also handy for overseas purchases that carry a high freight cost.


At the Supplier Card. - Set a default percentage value.

This value is shown at the component editor when you create a new component for the supplier.

At the component Editor - you can reset this value to suit individual components.


If you press the Reset All button the program will reset all components for that supplier to the value set in the Increase Component Cost By: field. 


See also the notes on the Component Editor document.

See Also the Increase Component Cost by detail document



The default currency is set as the country you are based in. You can change the currency to the suppliers trading currency here so that you can order goods from them in the suppliers currency. However AwardPro will automatically exchange the currency back to your currency for local costing purposes.


This system allows you to enter the supplier's prices of components as they provide them but cost your goods in your own currency based on the exchange rate setting that you have set up in the System Set Up > Exchange Rate.


So lets say the component costs you US$1.00 and your exchange rate is .80c. The buy cost of the component card will say $1.00 and the suppliers purchase order will say $1.00 but the Price for Costing Purposes will say $1.20.


Tip: Make sure you set the Supplier's Currency as you create international Supplier's in your system.


GST Applicable

The default setting is ticked making GST applicable but if you are working with an international supplier's card you will want to switch this off so that their purchase orders do not show sales tax.


Supplier Minimum Order



The minimum allows you to set a minimum order values for an individual supplier which, when activated, creates a warning at the Quote or Sales Order screen letting you know that the components total for that supplier does not reach the suppliers Minimum Order value. You can choose to ignore the warning or you can choose to not add those components to the order.


The minimum order is based upon any pending order in the system. If that order, in its total value, has not yet reached the suppliers minimum a warning appears letting you know. AwardPro also checks stock on hand before generating the warning. It is not mandatory that you conform to the warning. You can still go ahead and place order under the minimum order value.


This is an optional system and can be activated or de-activated per supplier. It helps you keep good control over spending by instantly showing you that the pending orders freight bill may exceed the benefit in selling the goods.


This is handy when you have certain suppliers that you buy very little from. Sometimes a customer may want 1item with a componentry value of say $3.50 and it is unlikely that you will have any other requirement from that supplier. The freight cost may be $10.00 meaning you pay $13.00 for a $3.00 component for a product sell of maybe $10.00 sending you backwards. The minimum Order warning is an early alert to these situations empowering you to have an early opportunity of changing the customer’s order to something more suitable.


How the Minimum order system works.


1.      Set a Minimum order value on a Suppliers Card and check the “Active” Check Box.

2.      Whenever you add component from that supplier to a Quote or Sales Order AwardPro

a)       Checks stock to see if it is in stock. If no stock on hand -

b)      Checks any Pending Supplier Order for that supplier and adds up the total of all job needs on the pending order.

1.      If the Pending Supplier Orders value does not reach the Minimum Supplier Order value a warning appears on screen when you try to save the Quote or Sales Order informing you of the component code and the supplier.



1.      You will need to choose either Y or N

a.       If you choose Y for “Yes I want to use the component anyway” AwardPro will allow you to save and move on and the stock will be part of the suppliers Pending Order.

b.       If you choose N for “No I do not want to proceed with this component on the order” then AwardPro will not save the job until you either change the component for something else or go back to a) and allow it. So by saying no you have to find an alternative in order to Save the Job.

1.      To de-activate this function go to the supplier’s card and uncheck the Activate check box.


Supplier time frame check




The Supplier Time Frame allows you to set a delivery time frame for each individual supplier.

When activated, it creates a warning at the Quote or Sales Order screen letting you know that the delivery time frame set on the suppliers card is longer than the jobs ship date (not including weekends). You can ignore the warning and continue on or you can find an alternative.


The time factor is based on counting from the order date to the ship date. If the suppliers time frame is longer than this then you may not be able to supply on time so the AwardPro Supplier Time Frame system makes sure that anyone writing a sales order gets warned about this situation at the point of sale. It is not mandatory for you to heed the warning. You can continue on regardless if you are confident that you can satisfy the customers’ needs.


This is an optional system and can be activated or de-activated per supplier. It helps you keep good control over stock management by instantly showing you that you may not be able to get the stock in time for the customers’ deadline.


This is especially handy for Regional Store who has shipping time frame issues. Any staff member can write an order and get the warning about stock availability. It’s great for custom manufacturers that take longer than a day to deliver.


How the Supplier Time Frame Check System works.


1.      Set a time frame on a Suppliers Card and check the “Active” Check Box.

2.      Whenever you add component from that supplier to a Quote or Sales Order AwardPro

a)                   Checks stock to see if it is in stock. If no stock on hand -

b)                  Calculates the days between the order date and the shipping date and checks to see if there is enough time to receive the goods. (You may need to order the goods right away to get the goods in time.

1.      If there is time then nothing extraordinary happens and you continue on with the quote or sale.

2.      If there is not enough time the system generates a warning



1.      You will need to choose either Y or N

a.       If you choose Y for “Yes I want to continue anyway” AwardPro will allow you to save and move on and the stock will be part of the suppliers Pending Order.

b.       If you choose N for “No I do not want to proceed with this component on the order” then AwardPro will not save the job until you change the component

1.      To de-activate this function go to the supplier’s card and un-check the Activate check box.


Freight Surcharge

This is a reference only guide to supplier freight costs. It does not interact with any other part of the program


Minimum Order Surcharge

This is a reference only to supplier Minimum order surcharges.  It does not interact with any other part of the program.


Delivery Method

This is a reference only to supplier delivery method.  It does not interact with any other part of the program.


Discount Offered

If the supplier offers you an across the board standard discount, enter the value here and it will appear on all purchase orders for that supplier, reducing the amount by the registered discount percentage value.


Early Payment Discount

This is a reference only guide to Early Payment Discounts. It does not interact with any other part of the program. More a prompt to remind you of Supplier trading terms.


Create Separate Orders

When you tick Create Separate Orders on a suppliers card all supply orders for that supplier will be confined to 1 single customer job. So you could have multiple Pending Supplier Orders active for one single supplier all housing the stock requirements of different jobs. This is ideal for specialist manufacturers such as wood  product makers or companies like Imaage 3D Crystal where they are making awards for you for a specific customer.


Preferred File Types

This is a reference only to supplier preferred file types.  It does not interact with any other part of the program. Enter in the file types the supplier likes to receive such as .CDR or AI. This gives all staff a quick reference to what kind of file to send the supplier.


Internal Notes

This is a note pad that can be used to house specific notes about the supplier. These are meant to be internal notes and do not show anywhere else in the program except for of the suppliers card.


Order Form Notes

These notes are added to the suppliers purchase orders in the Supplier Notes note pad. It is a handy tool that allows a standard message to always go to the suppliers orders such as:

Please do not cut extrusion or engraving stock


Some Suppliers are not set up with the contact details to suit your business.

Some suppliers such as Interleisure, PDU/ATW and Styles Factory have different offices to service different areas. You may need to adjust the supplier card detail to suit your business. Click here for more details