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Product Editor

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The Product editor is the place you create and manage products. It houses the Bill of Materials - components and processes involved in the product. You can set quantity prices, minimum sell quantities and generally manage all parts of each product.


The product editor is structured in a way that it is linked to Product Types so that the default settings for product types becomes the base structure of the product. This structure however is totally flexible and can be changed at the Product Editor Level.





Product Code

Start typing a code and type assist will help you find it or use the drop down arrow to scroll to.


If you change the code of a product here and press the save button you will change the code of the product. This will be reflected in all future as well as past transactions. So if we sold the above product to somebody then changed the product code at the product editor and saved it, then went back to the transaction we would see the new code. See Item Identity in AwardPro Logic for further clarity.



You can roll through products once you have opened a particular product.

·         Click into the product code field and then use the roller on your mouse to roll to the next code.


Product type

By selecting a Product Type you associate the Product with a Product Type and assign default settings to the Product.


Mark Up, Quantity Breaks and Minimum Order are added to the product form the Product Type Listing. You can change these attributes for each individual product. They can also be re-set back to default from the Product Type Screen.


Price List

This is used to assign a product to a particular retail catalogue book so that a price list can be made for the catalogue.


·         You can assign any product to any Price List

·         Any Product can be assigned to multiple Price Lists

·         When you import a Product list into AwardPro Catalogue you get the chance to bulk assign the products to a particular Price List

·         You can un-assign products from price lists by un-checking

·         All products are automatically assigned to Product Types


See also: Price List Set Up


Value Add Form

If the Product Type you have selected has any Value Add forms assigned to it then these Values Add Forms will be accessible through the Value Add drop down on the Product Editor. Simply drop down and choose the VA that you require to assign to the product you are working with. The assigned VA form will then open each time you add the product to a sales screen.


You can also create a new from from the Product Editor


See also: Value Add System


Last Modified

This just shows you when the last time the product on screen was modified.


Minimum Order

Product Types set the minimum order amount so, from the Product editor, when you set the product as a certain product type the default Minimum quantity will show here.


This function sets the minimum order for the product. If the product is added to a sales screen a warning will appear. You will still be allowed to add less than minimum at a sales screen though.


You might use this for Custom made medals etc.



Enter the size of the product. This appears on the sales screen and Job Sheet



Type in what you want to describe the trophy as which will appear on the order from, job sheet etc.


Save As New

Often Products are made in a multitude of sizes. When you make the first size, save it, and then type in a new code change description and components and save it as a new product - 'Save as New'


This allows you to keep relevant components and description style to create speed of creation and continuity in your descriptions and pricing structures


See Also: Save As New


Manufacturing Notes.

Any product can have special manufacturing Instructions that are printed out on Job Sheets directly under the product entry. These Instructions can be modified at the sales screen if change of instruction is require for the particular order. Manufacturing Instructions are a great way of ensure special requirements are always remembered.


You can type directly into the note pad or double click within the note pad to open the pad and show the Rich Text editing functions allowing you to bold type, change size etc.


See also: Note Pads


Material Cost  
The system will automatically add the values of the components and display it here. This is the total cost of materials based on 'Price to use for Costing Purposes'


Mark Up 

Mark up is based on the product types mark up but can be directly edited here which changes the Retail price.


Retail Price

The Retail price is the cost including taxes. This value can be edited by over typing a new value.


The Retail price is based on the mark up of the components and any process charges added to the Products Bill of Materials. The formula is


Component Cost + mark up + the sum total of process charges + tax.



Adding a Component

Add a component 3 ways


1. Start typing in the next blank component code field and type asist will help you quickly get to the code you want.


2. Use the 'Add Component' button to open the component list

3. Use the 'New' Component button to create a new component


Edit Sell Part Of

If you have added a Sell part of component you can edit the size of the component by selecting the 'Edit Sell Part Of' button.


Adding a Process

Some Products require a process such as Sand Blasting, Sublimation or Laser Engraving. These process charges can be incorporated into the sell price of the Product here so that they are always captured and part of the selling price.



To add a process charge select the Process Charges tab and either

1. add a pre-existing charge by the drop down and type assist method or

2. Select New and create a new Process Charge.



Quantity Breaks

The Quantity Break grid shows you some important information. Qty and Discount are based on the Product Type selected. You cannot change the quantity break but you can change the discount and retail price for each individual product allowing you to refine sell prices for each individual product if you want to.




Attachment s can be added to a Product and assigned to forms. See the Attachments document for full explanations





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