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Save As New

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Often Products and Components are made in a multitude of sizes with very similar features. Save as new helps you manage continuity and speed of entry by providing a duplication function to make data entry of similar items fast and efficient.


How to:

When you are entering a component or product with more than one size:


1.      Create the first record (component or product) and save it.

2.      Check the record to make sure spelling etc is correct.


To create the next component or product:

·         Change the item code and description and press Save as New;


Now you have a new record but you need to change the attributes to make it truly unique.


·         Change the components or price or anything that needs changing and save the record.


This allows you to keep relevant information form one record to the next and saves you the time of re-creating from scratch.


See Also:  Save As New Video

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