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Price to Use for Costing Purpose

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The AwardPro costing system id highly evolved with specific functions to help you refine prices and capture costs thoroughly.


In the Component Editor screen you will see a field called Price to Use for Costing Purposes. This field has influences based initially on the first row in the Quantity Price which is considered as the single unit purchase price.





When you add any component to a product, the component cost is based on the Price to use for Costing Purposes field. Try typing into the Price to use for Costing Purposes. You will see it transcribes the price into the first row of the Price Quantity grid. This also happens in reverse if you enter into the grid first. The two fields are dynamically related.


The Price to use for Costing Purposes is also influenced by Currency of the supplier and by the

Increase Component Cost By field.


So: The Price to use for Costing Purposes is the price used in Bill of materials of Products and the Price to use for Costing Purposes value is based on the following sum:


The first row in the component [divided by] the suppliers currency [plus] any Increase Component Cost value.