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Note Pads

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Throughout AwardPro you will find notes pads for different purposes. These note pads have Rich Text editing ability and are designed for you to store good quality information. Take some time to have a look at these note pads and utelise them for various functions. Whilst you can paste images we highly recommend that you do not do this as it will slow the program down and use up memory causing problems. We would love to bar this activity but that would mean loosing the rich text editing capability.


Opening a Note Pad

When you come across a note in the program it is shown as small window with no Rich Text Features. Double click inside the note pad and the pad will open revealing the Rich Text Tools. You can enlarge, minimise or close the note pad with the tools in the top right hand corner of the note pad.


Rich text Editor


Make your notes stand out with the rich text editor by colour highlighting text, bold it, using point and bullets and increasing the size. This is great in job notes when you want the production team to really take notice of something important



Please do not post images into any notepad. This will clog your data base and slow your system down which will lead to out of memory issues. When you post an image into a note pad the image becomes part of the data base and is recalled each time you open the job or a report uses the job.


If you do paste images into any note pad and you end up with errors and slow operations there is a tool in System Set Up > Reset called Job Note Usage which can report on the jobs whith images and you can press the remove button to remove those images. This means you will loose the images from the job.


If you need our help in fixing this issue we will charge you a tech support fee.



You can create hyper-links in a note pad which can be CTRL-Clicked on to open an external document


Create Hyperlinks to documents, files or web addresses.


·Type some text to be the hyper-link anchor

·Right Click and choose Hyper-link (or click on -  in the Note Pad tool bar



·Type in or paste a web address or click on the ... (circled) and select a file from your computer network

·You can even add a Screen tip that appears when your cursor rolls over the hyperlink.





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