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Product Types

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Product Type has a multitude of functionality that helps to create dynamic Information throughout the program.


Here is where you allocate Product Type categories. They will be such as

General Trophy, Resin Figure, Medals standard, Medals Custom, Apparel, Glass Trophies, Crystal Trophies, Perpetual, Acrylic Trophies, Plaques Corporate, Plaques General, Plaques Industrial, Custom etc


The allocation creates a base structure for a Product and allows you to:


·         Search for an item by Product Type can be made


·         Set a default Mark Up so that whenever you build a Product, the Product Types standard mark up is allocated to it (this value can be overridden individually when building Products.)


·         Assign a ‘Value Add Form’ to a Product Type so that whenever you build a Product, the Value Add Form is allocated to it (this value can be overridden individually when building Products.)


·         Set Price/quantity level settings with discounts when required for the particular ‘product type’


·         Add a file attachment to the Product type


·         Add in specific Product Information to help sales staff and manufacturing staff to undersatnd the Nuances of the Product Type.


Product types are exactly that; types of products you sell. You create a group of product types and then when you create your products in the Bill of Materials you assign it to a product type group which brings the Product Type defaults to the product.


The Product Type screen is the information centre for Product


Creating Product Types


AwardPro comes pre-set with Product Types which you can change to suit your own business.

Go through the list and discard any you don't want to have in your system.



·         In the System Set Up Module select Product Types.

·         The Product Type selector appears


·         You can double click on any existing Product Type to open it's card.



Lets you add a new product type to the list



Opens the selected Product Type Card. Or you could just double click on the Product Type listing to open it.



Deletes the selected Product Type. Y


If the Product Type you are deleting has a connection to an existing product it will be archived and not deleted.



Exports the Product Type Titles to an excel spread sheet.


This is a handy facility for when you are setting up Product Lists for importing. By exporting the Product Type Titles you can have the exact spelling of the Product Types handy so that as you assign the Products in the Product Import spread sheet with the correct spelling for the product types.


Product Type Editor



Guide to Production Days

This is a visual guide only. It does not have any interaction with any other part of the program. Your Sales team can check here to make sure there is enough production time when writing a quote.


Minimum Order

This function sets the minimum order for the Product Type. When you create a new product and assign a Product Type to it the Product Types minimum quantity will appear on the new products screen. From here you can change it for individual types.


At the sales screen, when you add a product to an order, if the minimum quantity is not reached you will be prompted with a warning letting you know that you have not reached the minimum quantity. You can ignore the warning and continue if you wish to sell below the minimum quantity.


Sales Screen Minimum order choice screen


Value Add Form

Assign a ‘Value Add Form’ to a product type so that whenever you build a Product, the Value Add Form is allocated to it (this value can be overridden individually when building Products.)


See Value Add System for full details


Standard Mark Up

Set a default Mark Up so that whenever you build a Product, the Product Types standard mark up is allocated to it. This value can be overridden individually when building individual Products.


Quantity Break

Here you can set up quantity break discount levels for products so that when products are added to an order the quantity discount is automatically applied.


Once Quantity Breaks are set they become the default for Products within the Product Type group.

You can not change the Qty Breaks at the Product Editor.


Reset Product Quantity Breaks

Here you can reset all existing products with current data.  Even if you have made individual product variants they will all reset to the Product types default value.


Discount %

You cab set up standard discount percentage for each Qty Break.

These can be adjusted at the Product Editor to fine tune individual Products



You can add in Product Type attachments which can be any kind of file. This is a handy storage centre for Product Type relevant information such as Product Brochures, forms related to the product etc.


Product Information

A powerful Information Note pad to house Product Type information for Sales people and Manufacturers. Each Product type can have their own information sheet that is accessible from the quick link bar at the bottom of the AwardPro screen. See Also Product Information