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Value Add System

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See also Value Add Video



Value Add Form: A list of processes that could be added to a certain product type

e.g. Product Type – Glass Trophy | Value adds could be: paint fill, full frost background, etch second side


The Value Add form is a way of attaching "potential" processes to a product, such as engrave extra logo or paint fill, so that when you add the products with a "Value Add Form" assigned to them to a sales order you are prompted with value adding options. You can select  add ons such as 2nd logo etching or colour fill. Value add is a way of being prompted with a Value Add pop up to capture extra work and add predetermined sales values to the job.


So at the "Product" level you can choose processes that may be required by the customer. These processes get added to a Value Add form and whenever the product is added to a sales order the Value Add form pops up offering you the opportunity to add the processes to the product and increase the sale value. Ofcourse you can just close the form without selecting any process if there are no requirements.


So Value Add Forms are connected to products and are lists of extra process that are available for that product.


Different products have different potential ‘add on’ processes that incur extra charges to the customer for the product. A glass trophy is typically retail priced with 1 logo and standard amount of text incorporated in the price. Sometimes the customer want 2 logos or back frosting or paint fill or all of these things. So the “Value Add” form will allow the sales person to check a pre-defined list to value add and record the requirements.


It's also really good for things such as Honour Boards, Custom Medals, and other products that have a base price but often have additional potentials such as. Amount of headings or columns or medal finishing etc.


You create a value add form and link it to a product type so that whenever you select that product type the value add forms associated with the product type become available to use and modify for the product you are creating. This gives management the initial opportunity to set up a default list of processes that can be the foundation for customised Value Add forms.


Fig1: Value Add Flow Chart

Value Add form thread

System set up – Forms set up – value add – link to a product type

Product edit screen – choose from the product type selected list of associated value add form or decline linkage. – You can still change the form here for the individual product

Sales entry – form pops up when you add a product


How to set up a value add form

Value Add forms can be set up at the product type screen or the Product Editor Screen. Normally you would set them up at the product type screen so that when you create a product you can have default VA forms set that you can choose from. At the Product Type level you can have a multitude of Value Add forms so as to cater form different types of products within the same Product type.



Product Type: Plaques

Sublimation Plaque, Laser Engraved Plaque, Diamond Drag Plaque all have different potential value adds.


You can also make a new Value add form at the actual Product editor in-case there is no VA form set yet. AwardPro gives you on the fly flexibility.


Fig.2: Value Add Form opened from the System Set up Module


1. Open the Value Add Form from the System Set Up Module, Product Type or Product Editor.

2. Create a name for your VA form

          This name is the forms identifier

3. Associate the form to a Product Type

When ever you are creating a product and associate a product type to it the Value Add form will be available to associate. You can have multiple VA forms associated to the one product type so you can choose the one that suits the product.

4. Now scroll down the list of processes and check the ones you want to assign to the form.

5. Save the form.


Associating Value Add Form to a Product

Now that you have created the form you can associate it to a product type which will then make it available to associate to products within that product type.


Fig 3: Showing Product Type Screen with 3 Value Add Forms Associated to Glass Trophy Product Type


You can have multiple VA forms associated to the one product type so you can choose the one that suits the product. You can also create a new Value Add From from the Product Type Screen.


Product Editor

So now when you create a Product you can associate any of these forms to the product which will activate the form to pop up when you add the product to the Value Add Form.


Fig 4: The Product Editor Screen showing Value Add Form Assignment


At the product editor screen, once the product has been assigned to a Product Type you will then have that product types choices to select form. You do not have to assign a Value Add Form but if you do it will pop up when you add the product to a sales order.


Sales order.

If the product you are adding has a Value Add form assigned to it the assigned form will pop up when you add that product to a sales screen and you can select processes that have been associated to the form.


When you select any Value Add Processes the process and charge will be added to the product.


The process will appear in the Products Bill of Materials list on the job sheet and the sales value will be added to the Products sell price.


If you do not want any of the Value Add options simply close the pop up and go on with your work.


Individual Product Value Add Form

Sometimes an individual product may require it's own unique Value Add Form. If this is the case then create the form from the products editor and un-check the 'Public' check box on the VA Form. When you un-check the Public check box the created Value Add Form does not get listed in the Product Types available VA Forms list which simply prevents the list from getting cluttered with individual Product VA form listings.


Fig 5: Shows the 'Public' check box being un-checked so the new VA form is only associated with the FG3 product


By un-checking the 'Public' check box when you create a VA Form from a Products Editor screen you will make this a private VAF only associated with the product on screen. Only when this product is added to a sales screen the private VAF will pop up.

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