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Sell Part Of

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The phrase Sell Part of is often Abbreviated to SPO in the AwardPro help system.


Sell Part of refers to selling part of a component. Sheet engraving stock, bags of nuts, screws, extrusion, inks,adhesives and liquid product can all be assigned as sell part of thus allowing you to add a section of the overall component and calculate the cost into the products ill of Materials. AwardPro will even work out stock needs.


Any component can be set as a Sell part Of component and you have two types of Sell Part Of types: Shape or Unit of.


A lot of pre-installed components have already been set up as Sell Part Of for you however we do not guarantee all possible sell part of components have been set up.



Click Here to view examples and formula examples of Sell Part of Components



If you set a component as a shape you will be prompted to enter the size of the materials perimeter based on 2 sizes.


The program will then prompt you at any Bill of Materials that component is added to, asking you what size you would like the part to be and then calculate the cost based on how many of the shapes it can get out of one full component.


AwardPro will consider both orientations and cost on the most pieces per sheet


How the system calculates the cost

AwardPro Sell Part of calculator will check orientation both ways to find out the most it can get from the full sheet and then discard the wastage factor.


So lets say a sheet costs $10.00 and you can get 10 pieces form the sheet. The component cost in the BOM of a product will be $1.00. Lets say the 10 pieces left over strip on the end of the sheet not big enough to make the required component size. This piece is considered wastage and it's costs is added to the sheet size but it will be added in as stock (part of sheet)


The program simply  says "how many of these shape sizes can I get out of one piece and then ignores the rest of the sheet and divides the amount it can get out of the sheet by the total cost of the sheet. This is the way AwardPro ensures that the wastage in a engraving department gets paid for by the sales it makes.



If the sheet stock has a grain running through it and you what to force the orientation one particular way you just check the 'Orientation' box and then add the grain length in the first size field which forces AwardPro to only calculate one way ensuring you are costing brushed materials based on the orientation of the grain.


At the Product Editor you have the option of un-checking the box if you want to disregard the Grain and just get as many pieces as possible








Examples of Sell Part of Shape

Sheet Stock such as Trophy Engraving Plate, Laser Ply, Sublimation Sheets, Acrylic Sheets can all be set as Sell Part Of. Just enter sheet size in at the component editor. This makes adding some engraving sheet stock to a products Bill of materials, Such as a plaque, easy and automates the costing process.


Roll Stock such as Sand Blasting Resist, Laser Mask, Signage Vinyl, Sublimation Paper and other Roll Stock can be calculated based on sell part of. You simply enter the width and the total length of the roll so that "part of "calculations can occur at the Bill of Materials.


Coverage Stock such as Inks for Vinyl Printers and Sublimation Printers can be calculated out based on the materials size they are applied to so that when creating say a sublimation plaque you merely add the ink component and enter the coverage size to calculate the cost of the ink.


See also the Examples document


Unit Of

If you set a component as a 'Unit Of' you will be prompted to enter the total units. Components such as Plastic trophy column extrusion or a pack of nuts can be set as a Unit Of component. When you add these "Unit Of" components to a Bill of materials you will be asked how many of the units you require and the cost will e calculated for you.




To Set a Component as Sell Part of:


1.      Add in all normal information to the Component Card.

2.      Determine in the SPO style is a shape or a unit of

3.      Select either the Shape or Unit of radio button

4.      Enter in the size or Unit of value



AwardPro allows part of a SPO component to be carried in stock.


If a Job requires 0.25 of a "SPO shape" sheet the rest of the sheet (0.75) will be added to inventory and will be used next time the part is required.


If a Job requires 3 units of a "SPO Unit" 50 unit component the rest of the units (47) will be added to inventory and will be used next time the part is required.


Do not expect the Sell Part Of Inventory tally to be totally accurate as it can not be sure which way portion used componentry has been cut. It will provide a reasonably close estimate of stock amount but always double check when stock picking the job.



Examples of Sell Part Of - Unit Type


Extrusion comes in a length of 48 inches and is normally by the inch increment. So the total units of a length of extrusion will be 48. (You could even set it as 47 to take care of wastage.) Let's say the extrusion in whole part cost $15.00 and you set the unit total to be 48. Then each time you add 1 unit of to a bill of materials AwardPro will calculate this as 0.31c.


Packs of Hardware can be purchased in pack lots and the cost divided into the units in the pack. You might buy Nuts in bags of 5000 and that bag may cost $50.00. So you set the unit total as 5000 and each time you add a nut to a Bill of materials the cost is calculated per unit of which in this case would be 0.01c.


Adhesive Tapes can be calculated out based on the mm or cm or Inches of the roll. You could set up your double sided adhesive tape this way so that adding it to a Bil of materials causes a prompt of what length you want to use. You can determine the length to be used for the product and then add it as a unit value to calculate accurately and automatically the cost of the tape for the product.


See also Examples Document


Decimal Place

If a component has been set as a Sell Part Of component the decimal place fraction becomes available. You will be able to set a less than 1 amount for the SPO component in areas such as stock level.


You can not set a non Sell Part Of component to less than one whole unit.


Decimal Place Restriction
We have restricted decimal places to two decimal places which equates to being able to see down to 1% of a sheet on a supplier order or job stock. Some times you will require less than that. Such as when you sell one name tag of 80 x 40mm in size. That is roughly about .00125 so it less than the minimum amount viewable. In this case the Job Stock Screen will show that the customer requires .01 stock and so will the actual Supplier order breakdown. Don't worry it still costs based on the exact amount it can get form 1 sheet so costing etc will be correct.


However if you were selling i bit of ply 80 x 40mm and had to buy a full sheet the system would say that you have 0.99 allocated to stock. When you actually will end up with .09925-ish for stock. Sell Part of will alway have a bit of fudge factor when it comes to stock and this is the case here. It is not really going to make much difference when it comes to stock level.



Stock Ordering and Stock on Hand

AwardPro works out your sell part of stock needs. It calculates how many sheets or packs you will need and orders the stock after checking Stock on hand. It will even carry part sheets and packs.


The stock on hand can be full volumes or part of 1 so if you need .10 of a sheet it will count .90 into stock. This measure is not entirely accurate as it has no way of knowing how you cut your sheet stock up and if there was any wastage or un recorded use. So don't rely entirely on the system count for sheet stock. Always double check.


Warning: This Cannot be Changed after Saving

Be careful about setting up a component as a Sell Part Of component. Once you have set up the size and saved it and then added it to a product or a sale you will not be able to change the SPO size or assignment.


This is because a product only uses part of a component and is basing the calculation on the overall size. So if you change the size then the integrity of the Product would change.


If you are caught in the situation and really need to change it you will have to remove all links to the component first. (remove it from any products it is in)


You can make changes to SPO components that have not yet been used in a product or added to an order.



See also

Sell Part of Explanation

Adding Sell Part Of to a Product

Sell Part OF Examples