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Process Editor

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A process is something listed under a Process Type and form your process price list. The process type - "Diamond Engraving" will have processes within it such as Trophy Plate engraving, Ribbon Engraving, Bracelet engraving, Medal engraving etc. 


Each process can have quantity break discount structure. When they do have a quantity break the break price is used when you add the process as a line item on a sales screen.


You will want to set up AwardPro's  default process to suit your own business. Please refer to the Setting Up Your Processes help document.


Process Editor

The Process Editor is found in the Products Module > Process Editor

This is were you create process charges and manage them



Select a Type

This drop down selection set up the rest of the fields drop down lists. You can choose to only see one group of processes based on the Process Type you choose here or you can tick the Show All button to show all processes in the description drop down.


Price List

Opens the Process Price List generator.


Process Description

This is the Process itself. The description can be edited here at any time. May we suggest that you consider an organised format for your Processes as the lists are in alphabetical order and so by having an organised naming policy you can find processes in lists easily.


You can create a new Process by clicking on the New button at the right side of the Description field.


Process Type

When you select a process from the Description drop down the Process Type that it has been associated with is shown here. So actually you would see the Process Type in two fields as shown above (Engraving - Diamond).


The reason why we show you this second Process type is so that if you want to you can transfer the Process to a different type. This is something that might occur when you are setting up pre-installed processes to suit your business. You may also use this Transfer facility when you start producing imprints in a different department such as moving certain diamond drag engraving processes to the Laser department or when you finally buy a Sand Blasting Machine and move your Glass trophy Laser Engraving to Sand Blasting so as to get a better result. (OK that was a cheap plug)


Last Modified Date

Shows the last time the process was modified. This could be an aid to show how long it has been since you had a price rise. It is not always correct thought as it will show a new date if you simply edit the description.



Use this not pad to enter your decision making process so that you remember when and why you set the prices as they are.



Saves your work


Save As New

This is a very handy tool that allows you, just like in the Product or Component Editor, to change an existing Process and then Save it as a New Process. Some processes are quite similar such as Glass Trophy Etching Small and Glass Trophy Etching Medium. You can set the price for the "Small" version then change the text to "Medium" increase the prices slightly and then Save as New.


Remove From Products

Warning: Be careful with this as it is irreversible.


AwardPro has been set up with Process charges added to Glass and Acrylic Products. You may not want to have these processes in the products as you may sell the products blank and then add a Process Charge as a separate Line Item. The program comes with Art Typesetting charge is each and you may not want to have this charge set up in your products.


The Remove From Products feature will remove the selected Process from every Product it has been added to. The Product will then automatically adjust it's sell price without the removed process charge.


For More details on this feature please read the Setting Up Processes for Your Business document



Warning: Be careful with this as it is irreversible

You can delete a Process but if the process has been used in any sales quote. Order or Invoice the Process will remain intact in those records. it will however be removed from the process list and will not be able to be added to any Product Bill of Materials or future quote or sales order.


Process Quantity Break System

You can set as many Quantity Break Prices as you like for your processes. The prices in this screen are ex-Tax. So it is the price you want the business to earn before Tax. (the real earning value)


Processes get used in two ways. They get added to a Products Bill of materials as a built in process price or they get added directly as a line item to a sales order.


The Quantity levels system only works when you add a Process directly to a line item of a Sales screen. When you do this the price landed on the sales screen is based on the quantity level. So for typical Trophy Plate work you can set different prices for different quantities.


If you add a Process to a Products Bill of Materials the Bill of materials only accepts the first price level  (1).   From here the Product has it's own Quantity Break system that interacts with the Sales Screen.



To add a Price level

1.      Click into the Qty field and add the qty level for the price. (you can also use the up/down arrows in the field)

2.      Tab to the Price Ex-Tax and add a price (prices do not include Tax)

3.      Tab to move to the next Row.

4.      Press Save to Save your work


To Remove a Price Level

1.      Click on the X of the price level row you want to delete.

2.      Press Save to Save Your work.









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