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Transferring a Process to another Type

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AwardPro comes set up with a default Departments, Process Types and Processes. Some of these processes have been added to Glass and Acrylic Trophy Bill Of Materials.


Processes are assigned to Process Types and Process Types are assigned to Departments. You may not want a certain process to be in the department that it has been pre-set. The reasons for this are best explained in the following two examples.


Example 1

The default department 'Engraving' comes with diamond drag engraving and industrial cutter engraving processes pre-installed. The department Engraving has a Department work schedule and so both diamond drag work and cutter work will be in the one work schedule. But this may not be how you operate your engraving department.


A Trophy Store in Country NSW has two clearly different departments. They have a Diamond Drag Engraving machine set up in an area of the work shop that takes care of all the trophy plate and medal engraving work. They have another area in the work shop set up with a heavy duty engraving machine set up for industrial engraving and both departments have different dedicated staff assigned to them. so they clearly want to have two different work schedules for each department.


Example 2

In AwardPro all Glass Trophies have Sand Blasting as their Process Built into the Bill of Materials but a Trophy Business in South Brisbane Uses Laser Engraving to engrave their glass Trophies. So they want to change the Glass Sand Blast Etching Process from the Sand Blasting Department to The Laser Department and re-name it as Glass Laser Engraving.


Example 1 Solution - Create a new Department and re-assign default Processes


1. Create a new department (Engraving - Industrial)

2. Re-name the Original department


System Set Up > Departments


3. Create a New Process Type (Engraving - Industrial)

4. Re-Name the Original department


System Set Up > Process Types


Transfer Processes to the new Process Type.

Products Module > Process Editor


5. Open the Process Editor and select the Process (in the Description Field) that you want to transfer to the new process Type/Department.

6. Select the New Process Type from the Process Type Drop Down.

7. Press Save




Example 2 Solution - Move an existing Process to a different Process Type and re-define the Process.


Example 2

In AwardPro all Glass Trophies have Sand Blasting as their Process Built into the Bill of Materials but a Trophy Business in South Brisbane Uses Laser Engraving to engrave their glass Trophies. So they want to change the Glass Sand Blast Etching Process from the Sand Blasting Department to The Laser Department and re-name it as Glass Laser Engraving.


So here we want to 1. Transfer the Process to a different process type and then rename the process to re-define it as the new process.


1. Check to see that the Process Type and the Department you are moving the process tag to has been created.

          a) If not created please create them now.

          b) If they are existing continue on to the next step.


2. Open the Process Editor and select the process you want to transfer to a different Process Type.           Products Module > Process Editor



3. Re-name the Original Process. In the description Field Change the Name of the Process to describe it as the new process you are changing it to. e.g. Glass Trophy Etching Small to Glass Trophy Laser Engraving - Small


4. Select the new Process Type in the Process Type Drop Down. e.g. Sand Blasting to Laser Engraving.

This action will change every Process Listing in every Product that has the process assigned to it. They will all now have the identification tag of the new name.


5. Set the price (ex-tax) to what you want to sell it at.

This action will change the price of the Process. All products with the process will be affected by the change and their price will adjust accordingly. This action will not effect any current or historical quotes or sales.


5. Save