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Price Lists

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You can print retail price lists directly from AwardPro without any external set up. The program grabs your logo and details and creates a header for the price list pages.


Price lists available are all Product Catalogues ranges, All Product Type Categories and Your Process Price Lists.


How do Price Lists get Created?


Retail Catalogue Price Lists

When wholesalers produce retail catalogues you import the products into AwardPro and at that point you need to select a price list to assign the catalogue too. So before importing you need to set up a price list in:

System Set Up > Price Lists


Screen shot of Catalogue Price list Header set up

Product Import screen shot showing selection of the Price List to assign to import listing



Product Type and Process Price Lists

All Products have to be assigned as a Product Type and all Processes have to be assigned a Process Type. So once things are assigned they are automatically attached to their Product Type or Process Type Price List which comes . These


How do I print a Price List?


Go to Sales Module and you will find the links to print price lists. When you click on a link the PDF creator opens and you choose the price list to work with. There are lots of options in the PDF creator for you to explore.