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Available Stock On Order - ASO

Available Stock on Order, also known as ASO is inventory stock that is ordered but not received. It is stock on it's way that has been ordered but not allocated to a customer. It is "stock on order" that is available for customer use. The system will automatically allocate this stock to any customer order taken that requires it even before the stock arrives. Available Stock on Order


Bill of Materials (BOM): Found in the Product editor screen

A bill of materials is a list that specifies the parts/components used to build a product. Many trophy Industry people call a Bill of Materials Products Breakdown. When you create a product, the BOM  keeps a list of materials needed for the product and so allows the stock ordering system to order the components required and the assembly team to know what parts are needed to make the product.



The physical purchased parts that go into making up a product. Base, figurine etc. Some products have only 1 part in which case the component becomes the product.


Component Card

Another name for the Component Editor. The AwardPro screen that shows individual component information. A place where each components details are stored and drawn from.


Cost Centres

A cost centre is a department of your business. You choose the departments to suit your business. The departments become cost centres as all components get assigned to a specific department. This allows costs and profits from sales to be allocated to departments so you can generate cost centre reports detailing profitability and workloads. It also allows a classification in the production plan so that each department gets a detailed schedule of work for their own department.


Component Editor

The component Editor is the components information centre, the component record. A place where details are stored and drawn from The Component editor is sometimes referred to as the Component Card in the AwardPro Help Manual



Departments are the ultimate sales dissection and the labelling for cost centres. Departments are also the structure created by you for production scheduling and planning.


A typical business would have departments such as Laser engraving, Engraving, Hand Engraving, Sand Blasting, Assembly, Art, external supply.


Flag Component

A dummy component set so that if it goes through the system to stock order the stock manager knows that an action is required to fulfill the customers requirement.


Flag components are used in the standard Custom Product Bill of Materials.


Go To Email

The action of transferring to an address detailed email in Microsoft Outlook  2007 onwards



A link from some text (or even image) in a note pad to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location. To make a Hyperlink in an AwardPro note pad simply highlight the text you want to create a link from and right click it.


Hold your ctrl key down and click on this Hyperlink to take you to the note pad help document for 'how to' instructions.


Import Template

An excel template seated in AwardPro Program files that provides the layout requirements for each import task. Your import data must be arranged in this format. The red titles in the template are the mandatory fields that must have data. The black titles are not mandatory. They can be left blank. Do not delete or move this template file from it’s original layout.



Imprint refers to all marking processes. Engraving, Sand Blasting, any kind of printing, embroidery are all Imprints. Imprint in AwardPro documentation refers to all marking process


Line Item

Refers to something added to a sales order. Each line on the sales order is a line item. A line Item can be a Product, Component or Process.



Each section of the AwardPro program represented by an icon at the top of the AwardPro screen

Save as New
In component editor and product editor there is a save as new button. This allows a you to save similar components or products without having to start from a blank screen. Many components or Products are very similar such as Plaques with different sizes or colours. Once you have created the first of a series of components you can change the code and details then save it a new. It helps you create consistency in typed information with in a series and saves you lots of data entry time.

Sell Component Only
This refers to selling just a component and not a component in a product. Normally you sell products or processes but what id somebody comes in and wants to buy a blank Plaque or a trophy shop down the road wants to buy some figure you may have. At the Jo Item screen you can select to Sell a Component and this then brings up the list of components and not products to sell from.

You May even find that this is a good way of selling things such as Apparel and promotional items when you you do not really need a bill of materials (kit)

Sell Part Of Component

A component that you will cut up/ dissect into smaller pieces to make a new component. e.g. Laser Ply, Engraving Plate, Sublimation Plate, Acrylic sheet.


Utility Product

I am using the term Utility Products to describe products created that can be utilised for a variety of products such as Custom, Special, Laser Engraving, Sand Blasting etc. They become a base product that you select at the sales point and then modify to the customers requirements.

Part Component

A component internally created for a sell part of component


Process Type

A process type is something you do. Diamond Engraving, Laser Engraving, Sand Blasting, Paint filling, Sublimation are all process's. Process types have processes within them such as Trophy Plate engraving, Ribbon engraving etc.



A process is something listed under a process type and form your process price list. The process type - "Diamond Engraving" will have processes within it such as Trophy Plate engraving, Ribbon Engraving, Bracelet engraving, Medal engraving etc. Each process can have quantity break discount structure.


An item you sell. a trophy, plaque, watch, key ring etc. All products have a bill of materials. The bill of materials may consist of no components, 1 only component or as many as you require to make up the product.


Product Type

A product type is the group a product belongs to such as a Glass trophy belongs to the Product Type Glass Trophies, a Medal belongs to the product type Medals, a silver tankard belongs to the product type Silverware etc. Each product type has certain setting to create a selling condition for that product type. You can apply a different default mark up for every product type (Glass Trophies 250% - Silverware 120% etc) You can also set up different quantity break discounts for each product type. See more details here


Product Editor

The screen which you create or edit a product. The Bill of Materials screen


Safety Net Component

A component created that if not removed from a product at the sales point will notify the stock manager of an action required.

A Safety Net Component should be set up as a component in YOUR COMPANY component list.


Often the sales team needs to make a component edit (remove, add) at the point of sale. If they do not make the component edit the customer requirement may not be met as the component requirement may not be ordered. A Safety Net Component is a component should be removed form the bill of materials once you have added the component you really require. If it is not removed then it gets ordered which means the stock order management sees a Pending Order for YOUR COMPANY. This will instigate an investigation by the stock manager as to what the blazes it is and result in uncovering some forgotten sales change work required and the chance to fix the issue ensuring that the customers needs are met.


For an example of Safety Net Component click here


Value Add Form

A list of processes that could be added to a certain product type

For example,  Product Type – Glass Trophy | Value adds could be: paint fill, full frost background, etch second side


Work Order

A term used to describe the registration of a job on the Outstanding Job Schedule of a particular department


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