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Add an Item to a Sale

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See also: 

Adding Components to a Sale

Adding Processes to a Sale

Adding Promotional Products to a Sale




You can add a Product, Process or Component to a Quote or Sales Order.

You can add new Products or process from the Job Item screen to allow you to just start typing a quote or sale and just create product etc on the fly.



Most of the time you will add a product or Process to a sales order.

The Product is something that has a Bill of Materials (Breakdown with components and possibly processes).

A Process is a process you do such as Trophy engraving, Sublimation Print etc.


Sometimes you will add a component to a sales order.

1.      Perhaps the customer wants to buy a blank Plaque or just a figurine. By selecting Component and then choosing a blank component from your data base you will add the component with a mark up based on the Suppliers default mark up setting and by the Component qty break value.

2.      You may also want to use component to add a blank shirt or Promotional Product that, apart from the imprint requirement is a single piece component and product combined.


Adding an Item to a Sales Order

 need to detail from here


Press the Add button to open the Job Item screen or press the A key


The Job Item Screen

The Job Item screen Allows you to add an item to a job. For speed you can use the tab key to remove the need of cursor movement by mouse action.



The quantity required for the order


Item Type: 

Choose the Item Type: Product, Component, Process


Are actions such as engraving, artwork, sublimation etc. When a process is added to a sales screen as a line item it is priced according to any quantity break you may have set for it. If you did set qty break pricing at the Process Editor the price will adjust according to the quantity you enter here.



Are single items such as blank plaque a figurine or an single component from any supplier component list. It can also be used for promotional products such as Apparel, USB Sticks etc. ***



Are Items/kits that contain a Bill of Materials/product breakdown list. Products can have multiple components added to their Bill of Material to create a Product. You can also add processes to the BOM and have a a lot of flexibility with Mark up management , Discount levels etc.



Once you have selected Product, Component or Process the code drop down will provide the codes associated to the choice.


Unit Price: 

This is the list price including Tax. The price will represent the price based on the quantity break for the Product, Component or Process.


Unit Price Logic


·         You can change the price here to any value you require.

·         If you re-open the Add Item Screen for the Line Item and change the quantity the price will revert back to the list price. So if you have set a special price here you need to take note.


Why does the unit price revert away from my manually added price when I change the quantity or modify the product?

·         The programs design is to allow quantity breaks to determine prices for you. If you want to change the auto calculated price at the Job Item screen the discount field is the intended place to make adjustments.


·         So if you make a change to the Unit Price Field it will change the price and the price will become Locked at that price.
The Lock Price check box becomes ticked and you must un-tick it if you want to revert to the system pricing.
See Lock Down Sales Price for full details


·         Likewise if you make a change to the Unit Price Field and then use the modify product facility you will also active the re-calculation from the base point of the product.


·         The program is designed this way so that you can have prices set and be able to modify the product and have price adjustments according to the original costing and Price breaks.


·         If you do not set quantity Breaks for your product types then the price will alway be stable from one price point but will still re-calculate if you make quantity changes.


          How can I just force my own price.



This is the description of the Product, component or Process that you are adding. You can edit this description for the job at hand



If the Product being added has a size detail it will show here. You can edit this field



This field is intended as a reference to the purpose of the item being added. You can add words such as Participation, National Winners etc. It is printed on the job sheet, Quote, Order and Invoice forms and helps the manufacturing team understand what the item is for and helps to link imprint details.


You can have more than one line for purpose just press enter to start a new line. You can also expand the purpose line note pad to a rich text editor by double clicking on it. This is particularly handy when you are creating a custom item that needs good detailing so the customer knows what you are doing such as:


·         Custom Medal 50mm x 3mm

·         Gold plated with 3 colour fill

·         Back side to have insert for separate engraving plate

·         With Blue and yellow Ribbon

·         In medal case



The discount field allows you to apply a discount to a line item. If the selected customer has a discount set on their card it will show here each time you add an item to their order. You can remove the discount. See the Discount help document for full explanation of this field.


Sell Price: 

The price the goods will be sold for after any applied discount and including Tax.


Manufacturing Instructions: T

These instructions appear on the job sheet (not quote or order confirmation). Type into the field or double click in the field to open the Rich text editor. You can right detail here that you don't need the customer to see.







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