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Discount System

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The discount system can be considered in 2 separate ways. A discount generated from the Customer Card and at the Sales - Job Item Screen


You can apply a discount to the retail price by adding a percentage discount at the Job Item Screen.

You can apply a standard discount to any customer at the Customer Card.


Products Quantity breaks are not shown on the sales screen as a discount. These price reductions are considered as the price based on the productivity of volume production. Discounts applied from the Customer Card and the Job Item Screen are applied to the qty break price.


Customer Card Discount

·         If you set a discount on a Customers card that discount will be added to any quote or purchase the customer makes.

·         The discount will be shown on the Job Item Screen

·         The discount will be on top of any Quantity Break Price

·         This discount will appear on the sales screen, quote, order confirmation and Invoice form.

·         You can over ride the Customer Card delivered discount by adjusting it in the Job Item Screen


Job Item Screen Discount

·         At the job Item Screen you can apply a discount to any line item added to a quote or order.

·         The discount will be on top of any Quantity Break Price

·         This discount will appear on the sales screen, quote, order confirmation and Invoice form.

·         You can over ride any Customer Card delivered discount by adjusting it in the Job Item Screen



Quantity Break Prices

Quantity break prices are not shown as discounts. They are considered as just the price for the volume amount and do not show anywhere as a discount.



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