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Adding Promotional Products to a Sales Order

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See also: 

Adding Component variation

Component Variation



Promotional Products come in a vast array of product diversification and many have complex variable requirements. They also have the complexity of requiring process that many or may not be an in-house Process.


Often a supplier will provide one product/component code that then has variation such as colour and size. Examples of this are Apparel and USB sticks.  An MB2020 USB stick comes in 6 colours and 4 capacity sizes. A capacity size generally means the cost changes but a colour is just a variable.


Promotional Product suppliers product lists are often huge and complicated. The AwardPro Import System helps you get the data into place and then provides a costing platform that makes selling prices automatic and consistent. After some historical data is compiled the AwardPro sales analysis reports will show you if you should up the the price to make more appropriate profits. The Mark Up and selling price system makes it easy to increase the sell price of every Apparel item in your system by whatever percentage you desire.


In this document we will show you how the features of AwardPro help you add variables to Promotional Products in different ways.


Whats a Product and What a Component?

If you




Component Selling System



Product Selling System








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