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Component Types

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Component Types are labels used to assign components to a particular group. This is similar to the way suppliers group components their annual price list and catalogues. Components can then be seen in the component list under their type which makes it easy to find a particular component.


Components are assigned to a Component Type and Component Types set up a structure in your system that:


1.      Is part of the way AwardPro knows which department to allocate work to.

2.      Captures costs and profits for departments.

3.      Provides a component only Mark up for when you sell a Component Only (not a product)

4.      Groups components by a particular type which makes it easy to find components.


When you first install AwardPro the default component Type Department and Mark Up needs to be adjusted to suit your business model.  It is easy to do and will help get the program modeled around your business. If you have the same mark up for all component types you can reset all Component Types in one action from the Mark Up Centre.


You can set up Component Types in the System Set Up Module or on the fly as you are creating a component.




Component Type Editor Features Explained



Component Type:

Component Types are labels used to assign components to a particular group. This is similar to the way suppliers group components their annual price list and catalogues. Components can then be seen in the component list under their type which makes it easy to find a particular component. You can create your of component types if you wish. Awardpro does come with all components pre-set to a particular Component Type.



Every Component type must be assigned to a department and this is where the assignment takes place. AwardPro comes with all component types pre-set to a department already and you may not need to make changes to this.


By assigning a department to a Component Type you create two situations.


1. Cost and sell factors generated by the sale of the component get allocated to the Department Performance Report.


2. When a component is landed onto a sales order the components Department is notified that work is to be done and so the job gets automatically allocated to the Job Schedule Department View filter and the job get a check box in that departments column.






Component Only Mark Up:


AwardPro sells Components, Products and Processes. When you sell a trophy out of a suppliers retail catalogue you are selling a product.


Generally speaking we sell Products and these products have components within their bill of materials (breakdown). But You can sell components only such as a blank timber plaque. In this case you are adding a component to the sales screen. So the system needs to know what to mark up just a component by.


Components when added directly to a sales order via the Job Item Screen will be marked up by mark up value set on the Component Type Editor. You normally sell things as Products but sometime you might sell them as blank components such selling some Marble stock to another Trophy Store or when a customer just wants to buy a figurine.


So here is where you set the Mark up for the component you are selling that is not part of a product. See Adding Components to a Sale document for further information..


Lock Mark Up:

This feature allows you to lock down a component types mark up so that when you use the Component Type reset all feature at the Mark Up Centre the locked mark up does not change.




Department Assignment:

Component Types become the basis for department work allocation. Components such as Laser Ply are assigned to Laser Department and all jobs with Laser Ply get added to the Laser Departments work schedule. This is how the program knows what departments are needed to complete jobs. Based on the above example: If an Acrylic Trophy is added to a sales order the Laser Department gets notified by the job being listed on their Work Schedule. So the work allocation becomes automatic.


So components are the root of work allocation. But Processes also allocate work to Departments. In the default settings Laser Engraving Processes allocate work to the Laser Engraving Department. There is a complete document on department work allocation in the Getting to Know AwardPro section of this Help Documentation. To view it Click Here


So YOUR TASK is to go through the Component Types and change the Department Allocation to suit your business Model. (you will also set Mark Ups at the same time - See the Component Only Mark Up below)


Another factor is the costs association to the department. When you allocate Component Types to Departments their cost and sales get allocated to the department for reporting purposes. Lets not worry too much about this know as it will be some time before you get enough data to be able to generate reports.



Component Only Mark Up

Generally speaking we sell Products and these products have components within their bill of materials (breakdown). But You can sell components only such as a blank timber plaque. In this case you are adding a component to the sales screen. So the system needs to know what to mark up just a component by.


Components when added directly to a sales order via the Job Item Screen will be marked up by mark up value set on the Component Type Editor (see above image). You normally sell things as Products but sometime you might sell them as blank components such selling some Marble stock to another Trophy Store.


Image of the Job Item screen from the Sales Screen


So YOUR TASK is to set the mark up value of component types while you are setting the departments for the component types.


Department Cost allocation:

Component types set up cost and profit allocations so that your department sales analysis knows what was purchased and sold  in association with the departments.


Component List sorting:

Know that components are grouped in types they can be sorted that way when search for a component.

See component Type Lists


For more information on Component Types > Click Here