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Component List

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The Component list provides a listing for component by Supplier and by Component Type. Their are a variety of functions that can be performed from this list.


The Component LIst



·         View by Supplier or Component Type

·         Double Click on a component line to open the components editor.

·         Click onto any data in any column and start typing to get to a particular listing


Editor On

When you tick the Editor On check box you can edit the information in the columns such as description, cost, component type, re-order quantity etc.


This is handy for bulk editing tidy up of your listings.



To create a new component press the New Button.



Select a component line and press the Edit button to open the components Editor

You can also open a components editor by double clicking on the listing (whilst the Edit On mode is switched off)



Select a component and press the delete button to delete the component.


Components can not be deleted if they have been used in a Product, added to a sales order or added to a supplier order. They will instead be removed to the Archive System.


If the component has not been connected to any transaction it will be deletable and you will not be able to re-engage the data.


Get Quote

Select components by ticking it's check box and press for the Get Quote system to activate.


Add to BOM

Add to Bill of Materials is only active when you have arrived at the Component List Via the Add Component Button of the Product Editor.


1.      Select the component you want to use by ticking it's check box

2.      Press Add to BOM button and the component will be added to the Bill of Materials of the Product you have been working with.


Replace Generic Part >>


Replace Generic Part button is only active when you have arrived at the Component List via the Generic Parts System.


1.      Select the component you want to use by ticking it's check box

2.      Press Replace Generic Part >> button and the component will be added to the Bill of Materials of the Product that you are entering to a sales order.


Column Headers


·         Click on any column header to sort by this field

·         Click on the Check Box in the column header to select all components in the list.




See Also: Component List Advanced Filters


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