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Work Assignment System

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So how does work get assigned to the Job schedule? How does AwardPro know which department needs to do what?


AwardPro seamlessly and automatically works out who's doing what and adds the record to the work list. It uses a few methods to sort the work out and this document will help you understand how this works.


Work Assignment Allocation

AwardPro assigned work to department in 2 main ways. By Processes on the job and by the components that are in the job. There is also a switch mechanism in case you want to re-assign components. And Finally we have the Inter-Department Association system.


Lets start with the simplest assignment


Process Allocation

Every Process is part of a Process Type and every Process Type is assigned to a department. So if you add a process to a sales order AwardPro automatically issues a work order to the department who owns the process. Thats pretty straight forward.


Process Type editor Screen shot showing Department Link


Process can be added to a sales screen directly (as a line Item) or as part of a Product. Either way the system picks it up and assigns the work order.


As a line item.

You enter Trophy engraving as a line item. Or perhaps Artwork Set Up or Hand Engraving. They all get allocated to the correct department work list


As part of a Product

In the products Bill of Materials you have allocated Sand Blasting charge and Art Typesetting to a Glass Trophy. Or Sublimation Printing Charge to a Coffee Mug. These process get recognised by the  Work Scheduling system and the allocation happens automatically.


But what if 5 different process of the same Process Type get added to one order? Does the Job Scheduling add 5 work orders for the one job? No it does not. It bases it's work order on Product Type If the Product Type 'Laser' has been added 5 times it only considers it as 1 entry per job. But it does add up the qty od each Process Type so that on the job schedule you can see how many need to be done.


So Processes getting added to a Job activate the work assigned. But what happens if you a job has no Processes involved and just products or components such as non-imprinted shirts or a trophy with no engraving or pre printed ribbons, custom medals etc. ? No problem this is where the Component allocation comes into play.


Component Allocation

All components get assigned to a Component Type and That Component Type has been assigned to a department. So if a component lands on a sales order the work scheduling system knows which Department to allocate it to.


Component Type Editor Showing the Department Association


Lets go through a few different scenarios:


Plastic Figurines, Resin trophies, Stems, 1" centres, general componentry:

They are all assigned to the Assembly Department. So anytime they get added as a component or as part of a product to a sales order the Assembly Department get a work assignment.


Engraving Plate, Laser Ply, Sublimation Plate, Sand Blasting Resist.

Each can be assigned to there respective departments. If you are a sublimation user you may choose to have a department for this or may decide to just allocate it to Assembly as they are the ones doing the work. We will go through a bit more on sublimation shortly.


You may decide to make Diamond Drag Engraving and laser Engraving under the one department in which case both Engraving Plate band Laser Ply will get allocated their. Or you may make 2 different departments and so allocated to the appropriate department.


Sand Blasting resist is obviously only going to be used in the Sand Blasting Department so this gets allocated here. So then as this lands on a sales order the Sand Blasting gets work assigned to it.


Outsourced goods such as Custom Made Medals, 3d Crystal, Head Wear, Umbrellas etc.

These types of products can be added to a department called External Supply so then you have one list of jobs that are being done by other companies which provides you with a list of work to follow up on.


So far we have seen that Processes and components cause Department Work Scheduling. There are a few instances where you may want to fine tune. Component Switch and Inter Department Assignment provide the solutions.


Component Switch Mechanism

Firstly let's take a moment to  set up a typical shop. You have the Assembly Department that assembles general trophies, The art department a Laser Department a Sand Blasting department. Lets say that the sand blasting department also handles the custom made special awards


You create a custom product and that products has some custom glass pieces, a standard timber base, some sand blasting and some laser engraving.


So straight away we get these department work allocations.

Glass pieces - Sand Blasting Department

Timber base - Assembly Department

Sand Blasting - Sand Blasting Department

Laser Engraving - laser department.


The Sand Blasting department normally makes the trophy and the "Assembly department' normally don't have anything to do with the job. But yet they are being allocated work and infact costs and profits that should be allocated to the Sand Blasting Department. Well we can't have that can we. The Component Switch Mechanism lets you switch the department allocation. You don't have to be finicky about this if you don't care about the odd allocation mis-direction. But AwardPro does make it east to re-direct as you are creating the product.


At the Product editor:


On the Components list of the Product CT-123 you can see the department column. This shows which departments are assigned to each component. This is where the work assignment happens from when you add the product to an order.


To Change Department allocation:

1. Click onto the department you want to change and select the department to assign the component to

2. Save the Product



Now you can see that the work allocation has changed and only the Sand Blasting and Laser Departments are involved in the job. The Assembly departments work allocation will not get cluttered with jobs they don't need to be involved in.


Of course if you add Processes to the Process Charge tab you will be setting up more allocations of work but these would not ever need to be swapped as Processes


Inter-Department Association


So we know that Work assignment happens through component and process departmental assignment. Lets say that a customer brings a perpetual plaque in and wants to get a sublimated plate added. So you add the process - 1 x Perpetual Sub Print to the order.


The order will get added to the Sublimation Department's work schedule but the art department won't know about the job. We actually it will know about the job if you check "Art Required" at the Sublimation Department Editor.



In all departments you can set them to require the Art Process so that if those Departments have work scheduled then the Art Department also gets work schedule even if it is not shown anywhere on the job.


For further information see Departments



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