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Stock Take Inventory Report

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See also:

Stock take Management System

Stock take Tally Sheet

Inventory Report


Stock Take Procedure


Adding Component quantities into AwardPro

Adding Component quantities by importing



The Inventory Value Report can be viewed in three ways by selecting from the drop down menu.




They record the value of the stock at single unit price regardless of the price you paid for the stock.


Inventory on Hand Total

Value of all stock on hand that has not been assigned to a job.

Stock Assigned to Current Jobs

Value of stock received and assigned to current jobs that have not yet been invoiced.

Sample Stock Value

Value of any Sample Stock (click here for sample stock explanation)


Report By All Supplier Summary


This Report gives you a summary of each suppliers total stock on hand quantity and dollar value.


Report By  Selected Supplier


This report shows you all components from a singular selected supplier.


Report by Component Type


This report shows quantity and value of the different component types.


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