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Stock Take Tally Sheet

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See also:

Stock take Management System

Stock take Tally Sheet

Inventory Report


Stock Take Procedure


Adding Component quantities into AwardPro

Adding Component quantities by importing




The Stock Take Tally Sheets are designed to be printed out and taken around the factory to record counts on and then becomes the data entry document. You can print these out by supplier or by component type.


The Form 

Either select Supplier or Component Type To generate an alpha/numerical list of all components in that type. If you organise your stock by component type (i.e. Acrylic trophies, Figures etc) it may be handy to print the forms by type as the form will be relevant to that section of your warehousing section.


·         The form shows you the code, description, price and what the system thinks you have in stock.

·         There is a blank column for count quantity to be hand written on the form as you count stock

·         There is a counter column  at the end so the the person counting the stock can



Managing the Stock Take Process

It's a good idea to have some way of knowing what's been counted and what has not been counted. Perhaps you could buy colored sticker dots from the stationary store to stick on the boxes as they have been counted. You will also need to record which component types or supplier types have been stock counted. You could print out all forms and have a central folder to house them in. Once they are all completed you know everything has been covered.


It's also a good idea to tidy up first. Sort your stock, throw out useless stuff etc to make counting easier and quicker.


Many businesses simply start out counting main selling stock. If your big on name tags or plaques or glass trophies start here and get the main components into the system eventually get everything into the system. However you do it use the Stock Take Tally form to count stock.


Having said that some people have reported that they just count the stock individually and add the number directly into AwardPro component list. It's up to you.


So how do you enter your stock counts into AwardPro? Click Here




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