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Adding Directly to a Supplier Order.

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The software is designed to take component requirements from the sales order so that there is a seamless link to everything. However there are times when you may want to order stock for inventory or need to replace damaged good etc. So we have a system on the supplier Stock Order Screen where you can add to the order outside of the integrity of the Sales Screen.


      Supplier Order Screen - Add Item


If you are adding directly to a supplier order form the system requires you to clarify why you are doing this so it can allocate the transaction to the right place and keep system integrity intact. You have to fill out the Order Detail Change form.


Order Detail Change


When you select  Add Item on the Suppliers Order Form the Order Detail Change screen opens.



Here you can see we are adding 10 x 250-201 to the suppliers stock order. You have to mark down why you are doing this. In this case we have ticked the Inventory Purchase  box which will put the stock into inventory when it comes in unless a customer orders the parts.


Lets go through all the options.



Adds the goods to inventory. Actually it is set on the supplier order form as ASO which means if you have not yet received the goods and a customer comes in and purchases some of it the system will change the ASO allocation and assign the appropriate number of components to the new sales order.


Sample Stock

If you are purchasing components as sample stock mark it here so that it is not included in the available inventory. read more


The following options all require filling out the survey on the right hand side so that the goods get marked with there appropriate allocation and exception reports get detail on stock exception actions.


Received Damaged

If goods come in from the supplier damaged and you want to re-order them you tick this box. You can choose to reduce the cost of the goods to zero on the order form and make comment on the supplier notes on the order form.


Replace Production Damaged

If goods are being ordered to replace production damaged components tick this box. This will get listed on the wastage report.


Customer Required

There really should rarely be a need to use this as all components for jobs should be added via a sales order. However there will be the odd time that you need a part and want to bypass adding to the sales order.



If you tick this box the goods will not get allocated to any customer and will not be added to inventory. It does not get set as ASO so even if somebody order the component before it comes in it will not be allocated.


This check box is ideal for purchasing Hardware, engraving material, adhesive etc that you do not want to include in inventory. This helps keep the Stock on Hand value integrity.