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Stock Take Procedure

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See also:

Stock take Management System

Stock take Tally Sheet

Inventory Report

Adding Component quantities into AwardPro

Adding Component quantities by importing



This document is a guideline procedure on how to go about stock taking of your stock on hand.


You could count all your stock at once and be done with it or you could count the stock in stages over a period of months. To count sections of stock you just need to commit to counting all of one type of stock such as Glass Trophies or medals etc. You could start with stock you are utelising all the time.


Before doing a stock take it is ideal to tidy up the stock area and discard useless stock.




1. Print out the Stock Tally Sheet   Click here for detail - Stock take Tally Sheet


1.      The Stock Take Tally Sheets are designed to be printed out and taken around the factory to record counts on and then becomes the data entry document. You can print these out by supplier or by component type.

2.      It is a good idea to set up a folder system to place completed sheets so you have a record of what has been counted .


2. Count Stock


·         Using the Stock Tally Sheets count the stock and mark down the actual quantity on hand.

·         It is a good idea to mark the stock on the shelf as counted so you can see what has been counted and what has not been counted. We used a coloured sticky dot on the stock box and change the colour each year that we count


3. Enter Stock Into AwardPro


You can add Stock into AwardPro in two ways. Either use the component list screen with the Editor On check box or use an import file and add the stock to it and then re-import the stock.


Here are links to both options:


Adding Component quantities into AwardPro

Adding Component quantities by importing


While entering stock you adjust any stock quantities in the system that are incorrect.


Sample Stock

To get a value on sample stock in your showroom you can add the showroom stock to the Sample Stock field on each components card. This will tally and be shown on the Inventory report.


Click Here for details




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