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Stock take - Entering Quantities

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See also:

Stock take Management System

Stock take Tally Sheet

Inventory Report


Stock Take Procedure


Adding Component quantities into AwardPro

Adding Component quantities by importing



Once you have a stock level count you can enter the stock in three ways. Entering on the Component list scree, the Component detail screen or add it to an import file and import it in.


Component List


Open the component editor and select the supplier or component type you are working with.

Tick the Editor On check box. This action allows us to edit the information in the columns so you can enter the stock quantities. The stock Tally Sheets are in the same order as the component list so you can work your way down the list.




·         As you enter your quantities press the down arrow on your keyboard to get to the next line rather than pressing Enter, Tab or using your mouse. The Arrow key takes you to the quantity field below and makes the field active for edit. It's the quickest way of getting through the data entry task.

·         When you close out of the screen the Editor On situation is switched off.


Component Editor

Another less efficient way of entering the component quantities is to open each component detail card. This however is very time consuming and should be avoided.


Import List

You can open up the original supplier component import Excel file and enter the information into the Stock Level Field. However this is pretty much the same as entering via the component list with the added job of importing so again we suggest using the Component list method.


Excessive stock quantities found in my system







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