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Sell Part Of Component Examples

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This document is designed to help you understand what can be used as a sell part of component and how you can set it up


We have main componentry such as engraving sheet stock and extrusion but we also have Peripheral components such as glues and paint where the costs are low  but they do add up. This is a great way of being able to add in the cost of peripheral componentry quickly and easily and get a more accurate costing base.


Non Ordering Stock

You may decide to set some Glues as non ordering if you feel that SPO calculation will not be totally accurate.




Any material where you need to make at least 2 cuts to obtain a part of


All sheet Stock

Sheet Stock such as Trophy Engraving Plate, Laser Ply, Sublimation Sheets, Acrylic Sheets can all be set as Sell Part Of. Just enter sheet size in at the component editor. This makes adding some engraving sheet stock to a products Bill of materials, Such as a plaque, easy and automates the costing process.



When Orientation is not set AwardPro will work out the best orientation to cost from.


Roll Stock such as Sand Blasting Resist, Laser Mask, Signage Vinyl, Sublimation Paper and other Roll Stock can be calculated based on sell part of. You simply enter the width and the total length of the roll so that "part of "calculations can occur at the Bill of Materials.


Coverage Stock such as Inks for Vinyl Printers and Sublimation Printers can be calculated out based on the materials size they are applied to so that when creating say a sublimation plaque you merely add the ink component and enter the coverage size to calculate the cost of the ink. See the Sublimation Ink Calculation Notes below for a how to guide on setting up sublimation Ink.



Unit of

Any material where you make just 1 cut or 1 measure of to obtain a sell part of



Extrusion comes in 48" lengths (1220mm). Typically it is considered as 48" and cutting extrusion for a trophy part usually is based on 1" increments.


You may decide that 1 of the increments of 48 will be wastage leaving you with 47". So add 47 as the total units and then when you add to a trophy add 1 Unit for every inch you are using.


·         The cost will be divided by 47 units so the 1" of wastage is taken up in the costing.

·         The system will order 1 full length of extrusion each time your requirement reaches 47 units.

·         The job Sheet will say 1 x  Red Blaze Extrusion 3 Units - Which means 3 inches.


Adhesive Tape

Adhesive tape can be very easily turned into sell part of allowing you to instantly capture the cost when you add it tom a BOM.


1.      Set the component as a Unit Of SPO component.

2.      Enter the total millimeter length as the units. So if the roll is 10mtrs long you calculate:
10 x 1000mm = 10,000mm total length.

3.      Now when ever you add the tape to a Bill of Materials just add in the length required for the product and the system will calculate the price for you. It will also work out the total length requirement and reduce it from any in stock Tape and/or work out how many rolls are need to order and then order the rolls for you.



Glue can be set as SPO Unit of based on the volume of the bottle. Now of course we understand that accuracy will never be spot on and you will have to keep your eye on stock but you will get a reasonable estimate if you take the time to estimate how much is used per item. Of course sometime that varies thats fine but you can consider this too in your calculations.


Lets look at a few Glue scenarios:


Loctite Glass Adhesive

This comes in a 50ml bottle and we have worked out that a typical glass trophy glue up will require 1 mil so I can glue 50 Trophies with 1 bottle. Easy: Simply set the Units to 50 and then add 1 unit on The BOM.


You will get a cost calculation and you will get the stock reduction.


If the product you are adding the glue to requires more than the typical just estimate this and add say 3 units and you get the higher cost factor added.



This type of glue gets used for lots of different things and may not e worth setting as an active order component so you might want to set the component as a non ordering component.


You could consider what the volume of the Arildite container is and then consider roughly how much you use for a typical usage. Then just work out how many units you will get from the tube and use that as the value.


Box of nuts, Washers, Screws etc.

If you purchase hardware in boxes of a certain amount (lets say 500) and the supplier considers this 1 unit

(e.g. 1 x Box of 500 screws - $10.00) then you can set the box as a Unit Of Sell Part Of Component:

1 @ $10.00 - Sell part of Unit value set as 500.


Now all you have to do is add the component to a Bill Of Materials and enter the amount of SPO Units required and the system will take the screws from the box and tally the left overs for next time. When the stock level gets to a point where stock purchase is required another box of 500 gets ordered.





Inks that are confined to a substrate size


Inks cover an area and that area is often constrained by the substrate it goes on to. Your sublimation printed has a certain size paper it uses or width of roll stock, Your Vinyl Printer has a certain width that it can print



To add the cost of ink to a product we first set up a ‘non-ordering’ component called SUB INK.

This component is set as a “Sell Part of” component so that when ever you add SUB INK to a product it asks you the plate size, you enter it and the program works out the coverage cost. This allows you to quickly add the ink cost to plaques etc.

The logic is (based on our Trophy Shop equipment)
You use .7ml ink for each A4 sheet
There are 250ml in the bottle we buy and it costs $200.00
You can get 357 A4 sheets out of one bottle.
Our printer is a roll printer which is 430mm wide (close enough to 2 A4) so I can get a length of 178.5 sheets less wastage say 150 sheets x 300mm = 45,000mm

So my component sell part of size is 430mm x 45,000mm at a cost of $200.00.

Now when you add the component SUB INK to a Products component list it asks what size you want, you enter the plate size and it automatically calculates the cost of the ink. Work it out once and add it a million times without thinking.


Sublimation Ink calculation


To add the cost of ink to a product we first set up a ‘non-ordering’ component called SUB INK.

This component is set as a “Sell Part of” component so that when ever you add SUB INK to a product it asks you the plate size, you enter it and the program works out the coverage cost. This allows you to quickly add the ink cost to plaques etc.

The logic is (based on our Trophy Shop equipment)
You use .7ml ink for each A4 sheet
There are 250ml in the bottle we buy and it costs $200.00
You can get 357 A4 sheets out of one bottle.
Our printer is a roll printer which is 430mm wide (close enough to 2 A4) so I can get a length of 178.5 sheets less wastage say 150 sheets x 300mm = 45,000mm

So my component sell part of size is 430mm x 45,000mm at a cost of $200.00.

Now when you add the component SUB INK to a Products component list it asks what size you want, you enter the plate size and it automatically calculates the cost of the ink. Work it out once and add it a million times without thinking.





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