Adding a Sell Part Of Component to a Product


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Once you have set up a component as a Sell Part of Component you can add part of the component to a Products Bill Of Material.


You simply add the component, fill in the size requirement and the part price is calculated instantly and the size is added to the components description in the Bill of materials.


Adding a Shape style SPO to a Products BOM

How to:


1.      Add the component as per normal

2.      The Sell Part Of Sheet window appears

3.      Enter the size of the piece

4.      Press OK



·      The size that you entered will be added to the Components description in the Products Bill of Materials

·      The value of the part of component will be added to the costing.

·      You can also edit the Description here or even on the BOM to fine tune the instructional description.



In this example you can see that Orientation has been checked. This was actually set back at the component editor. You can un-check it here if you wish to not comply with the Orientation rule and just force the orientation to get the most out of the sheet.


Lets take a look at the example above

The full sheet size is 610 x 305mm with a grain running the long length and Orientation has been checked

So when you add an SPO component size of 280 x 180mm with a forced orientation you can only get 2 pieces from the sheet and the system has dived the cost of the material by 2 to get the cost price.


If we un-check the Orientation box at the Sell Part of Sheet screen the system is free to try both orientations to get the most out of the sheet.


·      The Orientation is unchecked and to Qty per sheet changes to 3 per sheet



The Price has now changed down. The highlighted (3 per Sheet) text was manually added by the user to highlight to the assembly team that we need to get 3 pieces per sheet.


So whilst Orientation automates Orientation reckoning for you, you can also override it.


Edit Sell Part Of


Once you have added the SPO component you can edit the size by clicking on the Edit Sell Part Of



Adding a UNIT style SPO to a Products BOM



How to:


1.      Add the component as per normal

2.      The Sell Part Of Unit window appears

3.      Enter the units required

4.      Press OK



The amount of units you enter are added to the description and the price is set according to the units added.



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