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Supplier Set Up

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All Suppliers to The Trophy industry have already been set up in the program for you. They have their address and contact details in the system ready to use. There are two main situations that you need to consider:


1.      You may have some of you own unique suppliers that you will need to enter into the system

2.      Interleisure, Styles Factory and PDU have all been set up with their North Eastern Seaboard Supplier location so you may need to adjust this.


1. Adding in your Unique Suppliers

If you have special suppliers such as acrylic suppliers, Stationary suppliers etc then you will ant to add them into the system at some point.


Some important points to note:

You can export your supplier list from your accounting program and import them all in bulk into AwardPro. If you do this DO NOT RE-IMPORT THE SUPPLIERS THAT ARE ALREADY IN THE SYSTEM. We have got these suppliers cards tidy with clean detail and it would be a shame to loose this and MOST IMPORTANTLY if the spelling is different you will end up with two cards for the one supplier.


2. Adjusting details for Interleisure, PDU/Australian Trophy Wholesalers and Styles Factory

Interleisure, PDU/Australian Trophy Wholesalers and Styles Factory are all set up based on QLD-NSW supply. To make changes go to the Suppliers card and simply change the address and contact details.


Interleisure and Styles Factory

These two suppliers just need to get there address and contact details changed. We have left the alternative details in the suppliers note pad on each Supplier Card so Simply go to the Card Module>Cards - Open each of these supplier cards then copy and paste the details that are correct to your business.


PDU and Australian Trophy Wholesalers.

Australian Trophy Wholesalers and PDU share the same product range, pricing and components. They just sell to different areas/States. As there can only be one set of supplier component and products we have elected to set the program up with PDU's supplier card assigned to the product range. If you are an ATW customer you just need to:

1.      Open the PDU card and rename it to Australian Trophy Wholesalers and add in all of there address and contact details. These details are found on the Supplier Note Pad in the PDU card. Once this has been done all components and catalogues will be correctly assigned to ATW.



Do not create a new card for these suppliers. Over-write the original card. This is because the supplier record already has components and product catalogues linked to it and you can not have the same detail on two cards. Just replace the default detail with the new detail and all will be assigned correctly.