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Generic Components

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Generic Components are components that need to be changed when they reach a sales order.


When you are selling a Trophy: Components such as 1" centres will need to be changed for each customers requirements. So, seeings we will always have to make this change we created the Generic Parts System so that you get prompted at the sales screen to make the change.


In the Bill of Materials of a Product you set up a generic component for that centre.(Most suppliers have a generic component code - C88, 1K? for example) Then when the product is added to a Sales Order you are automatically prompted to change the part to what the customer requires.


Figurines that go on top of a multiple part Trophy can also be set up this way. When you build a trophy style that has base and column etc and a figurine on top you could use the generic component (representing a standard size figurine component) and then each time the component lands on the sales screen via a product entry you will be prompted to choose the customers selected component replacement.


Generic parts helps you get the right part on the customers order and suppliers purchase order. They also help you factor in a cost for the parts.


Component assignment to Generic Parts




Generic Components are components that have the Generic Parts check box ticked on the Components editor screen (see above). Once you tick the box this component when landed on a sales screen within a Product will activate the Generic Parts Replacement Action which opens the Component list with the component type required to replace the generic part. This ensures that you always remember to change the part.


How it Works


Check the Is Generic box to assign the component as a generic component on the Component Editor (see above image)


·         Now whenever this component, as part of a Products BOM, lands on a sales screen the Generic Parts Replacement system opens to the same Component Type List as the component (In the above example - Figurines). You then simply select a component to swap it with and then press the Replace Generic Parts button at the bottom of the screen. The part gets swapped in the BOM of the trophy being added to the order (it does not effect the original base product)




Screen shot of the Generic Part replacement Screen that opens when a GP gets added to a sales screen


·         You select the component you wish to use by checking it and then press the Replace Generic Part button



          Screen shot of the bottom of the Generic Parts Replacement Screen showing the button to press to activate the replacement.


·         This action activates the change of components and you also get a price change if the replacement part is a different cost to the generic part which is great when the part costs more, you get to capture the cost without thinking.


Who is the supplier of Generic Parts


There are some generic parts pre-set in various suppliers for Centres. This is because when we import product catalogues and set up things such as Centres as generic we need to use the catalogue supplier component list so we made up generic components for each supplier. These parts are set up as NON Ordering.


There are also some standard Generic Parts set up under the supplier name - Your Company. These components can be used by you as you build your own designs.


Pre-made components include.


FIG 1 - designed to be the stand in for a standard figure your customer will want to choose

FIG 2 - designed to be the stand in for a large figure your customer will want to choose


CENTRE1G - designed to be the stand in for a 1" centre your customer will want to choose

CENTRE2G - designed to be the stand in for a 2" centre your customer will want to choose



Generic components help you remember to make changes at the sales screen. They are handy components.



·         I suggest that you get a plastic display book and make c copy of your suppliers Centres range and have this at the showroom counter so that you have the centres images at your finger tips


·         When the Generic Parts listing opens (lets say to the Centres List) you have to make a selection. The system will not let you ignore it. Sometimes you don't really want to choose a centre because the customer does not want one. Just choose any Centre and then go to Modify Product and remove it.  
OR - Make up a non ordering component called *NCR with the description of NO Centre Required. Make the cost zero and your company as the supplier. You can then add this component as the replacement component and the Job Sheets break down will say "No center required".

·         When the Generic Parts listing opens (lets say to the Centres List) you have to make a selection. The system will not let you ignore it. You might want to just use a centre that you have which has not been added to stock. You then can use the Handy component we have set up called *CS1 or *CS2 which have a cost factor of .35c and .70c to cover the cost of the centre and a description that says - Use 1" Centre form Stock.


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