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Mark Up Centre

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See Also:

Watch the Mark up System video: Click Here


Pricing System

Product Set Up - Getting Started




The Mark Up Centre is a where you set mark ups for your products and components.


You can set mark ups for products types or by retail catalogue.

Or you can set every product in the system to one single mark up factor

You can change the mark up by nominating a new mark up

You can increase or decrease the retail price of any product group.


There are some special rules to keep in mind before taking action in the Mark Up Centre.

One of the most important actions is to always do a back up of your data before making any changes.


Make sure you read the See Also documents above and watch the video before making any changes.


This document provides an explanation of the features. Lets work our way through the screen.


Product Default Mark Up



This section does two things:

1.      It sets the default mark up for Product Types to the specified mark up - Apply

2.      It changes all Mark Ups for all products in the system to the specified mark up - Reset All


Set Default Product Type Mark Up



This action (pressing the Apply Button) does nothing at all to any product type or product in the system. It s merely your standard product type default mark up. The only thing pressing the apply button does is adds the nominates mark up percentage to any new product type that you create.


Example: You have installed the system and looked at the list of product types that are already in the system. There is a product type that you use in your business that is not in the system such as Saches. So you create a new product type. The system default product type will appear automatically in the product types mark up field. You can ofcourse change the mark up setting for the new product type. This feature is just a default setting.


Reset All Product Mark Ups






This action will change the Mark Up of every product in your system to the specified mark up. Some very important points need to be made here.


1.      You should always back up your data before pressing this button. This ensures you have a restore point in case you need to undo the action.

2.      If you use recommended retail price for your sports trophies this action will wipe that out and you will not easily be able to revert back (unless you did a back up before taking the action.


If your business model uses the same mark up for everything then go ahead and set the mark up here. If your business has the same mark up for moist things but some are different you may want to set all to one mark up here and then go to the Product Type Mark Up section and adjust the few product types that are different.


Component Only Mark Up



If you sell a component directly on a sales screen this is the default component mark up. You really only sell products with components built into them so those components are effected by the products mark up. But on some occasions you may sell just a figure or perhaps a blank timber plaque to a customer. This is where the component mark up comes from by default. If this has you a little confused then just don't concern yourself too much as it is a very small part of the overall system and can be considered at a later time. However....


To set all component type mark ups add a percentage factor and press Reset all

This action will set all un-locked component only mark ups to the specified mark up

You can over-ride any component type mark up at the component type screen.


Click here to learn more about Component Types


Retail Products Global Price Change



This section allows you to make a global price change up or down of the retail price (before tax) You may decide that you want to increase everything by 3% to take into account wage increases or overhead cost increases. Simple set the value and press apply. You can also do the same in reduction.


The system is smart enough to work out what the new mark up will be for your product types so you will see slightly higher mark ups in all products types to ensure that future products have been priced accordingly taking in the new pricing.


Product Types



Hear you can change each product types mark up individually. Select a Product type to work with and set a new mark up and press apply to change all products within the selected product type.


You have the choice to change the mark up in the last field or increase/decrease the retail price in the top two fields.


Beware that if you use recommended retail then changing the product types - General Sports, Perpetual Trophies, Shields, Medals-Standard, Medals Cases will over ride the recommended retail price.



Catalogue Price Lists



This section deals with supplier catalogue price lists. Initially the product data base is set at recommended retail price so if that is what you use then all products in the Sports retail catalogues are correctly priced.


Importing Product Lists.

When you import a product list such as a suppliers product catalogue you have the option of including a sell price (including GST). By including a sell price in the products import file the systems product type mark up will be overridden and adjusted for each product in the import list. This allows you to conform to a previously decided price list or the suppliers recommended price.


If you do not put a sell price in your import list the system will pick up the product types default mark up. (Each Product in an Importable list is marked as a certain product type)


See also

Setting Up AwardPro for your business