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Getting Started

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Getting under way with AwardPro is quick as we have already set up the industry standards. What you have to do is:


1.      Set up the program to your business model

2.      Start writing orders

3.      Get your staff involved in the program right from the start

4.      Read the set up documents and watch the videos


What is important here is that you get onto this task of setting up AwardPro. You must allocate time to do this and push the program into your daily routine. It makes a huge difference to your working day once it is in place and you will love what it does for your business and time.


Setting Up the Program


The program comes with all industry suppliers and products already set up. You just need to set the prices for your business and the products are ready to sell. AwardPro provides the flexibility to re-arrange selling conditions to suit your business within one hour of installation.


We have step by step instructions to be followed. In the Help system there is a section called Getting Started (where this document is found) which will take you step by step through the process and there is also the Managers Guide to Setting Up AwardPro Videos section that will visually help you through the set up process.



Click here to print out the Set up up document


Start Writing Orders


Start writing orders from day one. Don't leave it till you've had a chance to to look through the program,m. Start day 1! It is the absolute best way to learn. The companies that do this are flying in two weeks, the ones that don't tend to struggle because there learning is not supported by real time results. It best to import your customers first and there are Help documents here that will help you with this. You can also call us for assistance with any section of AwardPro.


You will come across challenges as you write orders, Some products won't be set up (such as honour boards etc) but that's fine it's your opportunity to learn something and refine the program to your business.


Your goal should be to get all of your orders in the system within two weeks. When you have done this you will have a wonderful accurate Job Schedule, All stock for jobs in an automated system and fantastic job look up capability.


Get Staff Involved from Day 1


AwardPro is designed to be a team program, for everyone to use it in their own departmental capacity so get them involved from day one. Sit together and explore the program. No matter how smart you are, you are always smarter when you share learning an dhave someone to bounce off.


Allocate time and sit your team down for a few video training sessions. There is a wealth of knowledge and the videos will relieve you of training duties. Why not let us train your staff.


Watch the Videos and Read the Help Documents


There is a wealth of training and Help documentation for you to access. Taking the time to read and watch will save you masses of time in the future. This is a very important business tool that will change your business fro the better forever and it is your responsibility as a professional business manager to get the most out of the program so take advantage of the documentation.


Most screens in AwardPro have Help links so you can find helpful information at any time while you are using AwardPro.



The Mark Up and Process Charge settings are not recommended settings. They are default settings only and it is up to you to set then to suit your business. AwardPro Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for your profit outcomes.





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