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Product Price Set Up

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Pre-installed Products have been set up with default setting that may require change to suit your business model. Changes are made quickly in a universal fashion.


Changes you make here can be rectified if you make a mistake however be aware that Sports Catalogues are set up at recommended retail price and if you make changes to this and then want to revert back to recommended retail you will need to re-import the Catalogues.


Please follow this step by step guide without jumping ahead so that you et your prices systematically and in priority order.


How We Set Up Product Prices

All Sports catalogue products have been set at recommended retail price and all corporate type awards are set at a system default Mark Up. Some people build the price of engraving into there prices and some add this as an extra line on an order so by default we added in an engraving process to all trophies which is set at $0.00 to maintain recommended retail.


All Sports Awards have had a Diamond Drag Engraving Process built into them. All Glass Trophies have Sand Blasting built in and all Acrylic Trophies have Laser Engraving Built in.

·         You can remove these in bulk easily

·         You can move/change Diamond Drag Engraving to Laser Engraving or sublimation easily

·         All of these built in processes have been set at either $0.00 or a nominal amount

·         You can adjust the process prices in bulk easily


All Products have been assigned to a particular Product Type Glass Trophy products are assigned to the Product Type Glass Trophies etc. All sports trophies have been assigned to the Product Type Sports Trophies. The Product Types of products in a sports catalogue is primarily General Sports Trophies, Medals-Standard and Perpetuals.


In the Mark Up Centre you can set Mark Ups by Product Type and/or by Catalogues. Sports Catalogues have primarily 3 main Product Types: General Sports Trophies, Medals-Standard and Perpetuals.


Product Mark Up Decisions

Do not be concerned at this stage about whether you include the price of engraving in your list price. We will deal with that after you have set your mark ups.


If you would like to read about how Products and processes are structured then you can click here for full details. Otherwise lets get on with the of setting your products.


Set your Businesses Mark Ups

System Set Up>Mark Up

Watch The Mark Up Video Click Here

Read The Mark Up Document Click Here


Open the Mark Up Centre in System Set up.


Sports Catalogues

(A) Do you Use the Standard recommended retail Price for Suppliers Sports Catalogues?


Yes -           OK, all sports catalogues have the correct price. All prices are recommended retail. If you want to add                     engraving  charges to this you can do so soon. Go straight to section (C) of this document.

          You will still need to set prices for Acrylic trophies etc (See section (D)) and when you do so do not change the           default mark up of General Sports Trophies, Medals-Standard and Perpetuals as this would change the price of the           recommend retail price list.

No -             OK, you can continue on in this section.


(B) You do not use Recommended Retail Price For My Sports Catalogues

System Set Up>Mark Up - Product Types

In this screen you can set the catalogue prices as you would like them.


All products have been assigned to a certain product type Sports trophies are assigned to the product type General Sports and Medallions are set to the product type Medallions-Standard, Perpetuals are set as the product type Perpetuals etc. So you simply have to select the different Product Types and set the mark up value. You might as well go through the whole list of product types.


                                                                                          Mark Up Screen


1.      Select a Product type (in the above example we have selected General Sports Trophies)

2.      Enter the Mark Up value that you want the product type to be in the Reset Product Type mark up values % cell.

3.      Press Apply


This action will reset the entire selected Product Type mark up to the value you have set.

If you add in a process charge on top of the Mark Up value we will do that in the Process Charge stage of set up.


(C) I increase or decrease the price of my Sports Catalogues by a certain percentage of Recommended retail price.

System Set Up>Mark Up - Price Lists


In this case you will select the Catalogue Price List in the Price lists section of the mark Up Centre and apply a percentage Change.



1.      Select the price list you want to adjust  by a certain percentage

2.      Decide to Increase or decrease the price list by a percentage

3.      add in the percentage value

4.      Press Apply


This action will change the entire selected Price List to the value you have set

If you add in a process charge on top of the Mark Up value we will do that in the Process Charge stage of set up.


Other Products

(D) All Other Products - Corporate, Promotional etc.

System Set Up>Mark Up - Product Types


As per section (B) we have to set the Mark Ups for the different Product Types.


Warning: If you use recommended retail prices for your sports catalogue DO NOT change the Mark up of these three Product Types: General Sports Trophies, Medals-Standard and Perpetuals.


In the Product Types section of the Mark Up Screen:

1.      Select a Product type (in the above example we have selected Acrylic Trophies)

2.      Enter the Mark Up value that you want the product type to be in the Reset Product Type mark up values % cell.

3.      Press Apply


This action will reset the entire selected Product Type mark up to the value you have set.

If you add in a process charge on top of the Mark Up value we will do that in the Process Charge stage of set up.


This task concludes the Mark Up Settings Task. Now it is time to move on to Process charges.


Now that you have set up your Product Mark Ups correctly the next step is to set up Process charges. Glass Trophies, Acrylic Trophies, General Trophies, Medals and Perpetuals all have built in process charges which you now need to set correctly or remove according to your business model.


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