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Customer Card

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The Customer Card houses information about your customer. The more detail you add the more effective the card is. AwardPro tries to make you add in all the info before saving but sometimes you don't care to add in address so there is a quick add facility to let you add the minimum amount of information.


When you first get started with AwardPro you will most likely import your customer list into the system. It is unlikely you import data will have all of the details AwardPro wants to make the AP data base efficient so you will need to tidy the cards as the customer orders. Make sure that you read the very important Customer Card Tidy Up notes at the bottom of this document.


Fig 1.


Customer Name

Enter the organizations name. It will suggest customers with same or similar spelling as you type so that if they are already there you can select the customer so as not to create two of the same customer. There is also a drop down customer arrow so you can select the customer you want.



Enter the customer's name here. You can have more than one contact per customer. Each contact may have different contact details.


To add an additional contact click the NEW button on the right side of the Contact Field.


Additional contact entry will require a new email address unless you select Quick Add. New Contacts can also have different phone numbers and addresses. Each Customer card can have multiple contacts. When you add a customer with multiple contacts to a sales order a list of contacts appears for you to choose the contact to work with.


You cannot delete a contact once that contact has been assigned to any transaction. This is to preserve information integrity. If you remove the contact from all transactions then they will be able to be deleted from the contacts list. If a contact becomes redundant we suggest you place an X or perhaps a Z in front of their name to signify a redundant customer and so that the contact moves to the bottom of the contacts list to get them out of the way.


Quick Add

If the customer is a casual or individual small sales type that does not require full details you can check the ‘quick add’ box and it will allow you to bypass address and email listing.



When you add the Shipping Address it automatically becomes the Postage address as well. You can change the Postal address if required.


Double click on the email address and you will automatically go to a new email.

Delivery Method

Choose from the drop down list. – Select the new button if the shipping option is not listed and add a new shipping method to the default list. This information is used at the Sales Screen



Select the default Payment terms here. This information is used at the Sales Screen. The information will also determine which Terms and Conditions document is used based on assignments in System Set Up Payment Methods.


Customer Type

On initial entry of any customer you must enter the customer type before you are allowed to finish the order. The ‘customer type’ list comes from a system set up listing.  See System set up – Customer Types.


All customers must have a customer type assigned to them.


Customer type category examples: Sport – Corporate – Promotional – Engraving – Signage

Customer types help us analyse sales dissections of different types of customers helping to understand where business is coming form.

Secondary Type

Customer Type have secondary types to define  your analysis deeper. The ‘secondary type’ list comes from a system set up listing.  See System set up – Customer types.


Secondary customer types help us to analyse customer types extensively and show us where we get our sales from down to the specifics of Sports type or Corporate type. You will be able to analyse sales by Sporting disciplines - Soccer, Tennis etc.


Minimum Charge

You can enter a minimum charge amount for the specific customer. If their customer type has a minimum charge this will automatically come up when the ‘customer type’ is chosen on the card. You can override this for this customer if you wish and just put zero or any amount



If you want to apply a standard discount to any Customer you can enter the amount here and all future orders will automatically be adjusted to reflect this discount.


Discounts will apply to anything added to a sales order for this customer. You can remove the discount at the sales order if you wish.


GST Applicable

The default setting is ticked making GST applicable but if you are working with an international Customers  card you will want to switch this off so that their sales does not include local taxes.


Vendor No

You can add your customers Vendor Number Here and save it to the card. It will then appear on sales screens, order, quote and invoice forms. On the Sales screen you can edit this number for an individual job. But this action will not save it to the card.



The person that is logged in to the system and is entering the data will have there name appear here so that a record is kept of who entered customer details.

Internal Notes

These notes pop up in a window every time you select the customer for an order, query or quote.. They are used to inform the sales person of special information relating to the customer. We use it to put notes such as. * Sponsors plaques are PLS1?79 * Control switch plates are $15.00 for one only * Please increase price of next job by 7%



Fig 2.


This opens the historic Product list for the customer. It shows all the previously used products



This opens the Customers historic activity. You will see all past enquiries, quotes, orders and invoices



This opens a report that analysis that customers sales by cost and profit


Contact Log

Opens the customers contact log


New Quote

Opens up a new quote


Imported Customer Cards tidy up

When you first get started with AwardPro you will most likely import your customer list into the system. It is unlikely you import data will have all of the details AwardPro wants to make the AP data base efficient so you will need to tidy the cards as the customer orders. The Import list probably won't have delivery style, terms and customer type to name a few. Also you will likely find that shipping and mailing addresses are not complete, in the wrong place or change.


If you get your customer card detail correct you will not have to fill in details every time the customer orders and you will create a powerful, efficient data base that can be used for marketing purposes. You may decide to go through each one and tidy them up but this could takes weeks so we recommend waiting until each customer comes in and then tidying up the card as they order. You will know that the card is not complete when you add it to a sales screen as details will be missing.


Fig. 3


When you try to save a customer card that does not have full details you get a red dot X next to fields that are required. This alerts you to the fact the the customer card needs to be tidied up. See fig 4.


Fig 4.


You can simply drop down the Delivery Method field and select a delivery method but this will only adjust the detail on the sales screen and leave the card in-complete. So it is best to open the card and fill the detail in for future use. While you have the card open you can make sure all the other detail is correct.


From the Sales Screen: to complete the card and develop a dynamic data base double click on the Organisation Name which will open the card.


Fig 5.


Now you can fill the card in so that in the future you will not have to add detail to the card..


A word of warning.

If the card is not complete and on the sales screen you can see that the contact person is wrong or at least not the contact person you are working with for the current order do not create a new contact until you have first opened the card, filled in the details and saved the card. Then you can add a new contact. If the original contact is now irrelevant and will never order through the organisation in AwardPro then you can simply replace the name and detail with the current contact.





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