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Stock Ordering Step by Step

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See Also:

See stock ordering video here


Daily Stock Management Procedure

Stock Ordering Procedure

Stock Swapping Procedure

Receiving Stock Procedure




·         This document is designed to put into the perspective the steps you take to order job stock requirements. 

·         Follow these steps and you will quickly and easily deal with stock ordering.

·         It may be handy for you to print this document out  and stick it on the wall as a visual reminded of the routine.


Job Stock management should be done each day so that you are alway on top of things. You don't to place your orders each day, just do the Job Stock Management part of the stock ordering process.


Steps to take for stock ordering:

1.      Job Stock Management

2.      Pending stock Orders


This is How it Works (Summary)

·         When you write sales orders the components required are automatically added to the correct suppliers "Pending" Stock Order and are waiting for you to send the order to the supplier.

·         The components required for the job are also displayed in the Job Stock Screen (at the bottom of the Sales Order screen)


So all stock is automatically worked out for you. BUT - You might want to check this to make sure the parts are right or to see if anything required is in stock SO:


·         In the Stock Control module you will find a link to JOB STOCK MANAGEMENT. This is like your "To Be Stock Ordered" tray or clipboard. It shows all jobs that you have not checked the component requirement.

·         Your task is to open each job in the Job Stock Management List and check the stock needs. Here you can adjust what's on order such as it says you need and have on pending order 30 x 8080 soccer figures but you have 10 out the back (that has not need added to inventory). Here is where you adjust the 30 to 20 which automatically adjust the suppliers component order.

·         You open each job and do the above ensuring your stock order tally is spot on. The you tick the Stock Picked box and the Job disappears from the Job Stock Management List.

·         Once you have checked every job the Job Stock Management screen will be empty and you will know for sure that all the stock required is ready to order.


So know in the Stock Control Module all the pending supplier orders are sitting in Pending Stock Orders


·         When you open the Pending Stock Order screen you will not only see the supplier orders waiting to be placed but you will also see the earliest job finish date for every supplier order so you can see at a glance whether you need to place the order yet. It may be a small order and you may want to hold off to build it up before sending.

·         To place orders simply open the supplier order, attention it to someone, set a date the you require the order by, hit the save button then print or email the order.

·         Done



·         The order is now placed in the Outstanding Stock Orders section of AwardPro.

·         When the order is delivered you should press the Received button on the order screen. The order then moves to the received section of the AwardPro Stock System

·         When you press the received button this allows you to print out the Job Sorting Form which helps you sort the goods and determine who they are for.


We strongly recommend that you perform the Job Stock Management task every day.



Stock Control Screen

This is were you manage stock orders.  All jobs written and not stock managed are placed in the Job Stock Management List for you to work on.



1.  Job Stock Management

·         All Jobs are added to the Job Stock Management List automatically once a sales order is saved.

·         From here you double click on each job and check to see if you need to adjust any stock needs

·         Once you have dealt with each job the job is removed from the list

·         So when the list is empty you know for sure that you have dealt with all current stock needs.



2. Job Stock Screen - A daily task to clear the jobs form the screens list.


·         Once you double click on the job you get the below Job Stock Screen.

·         This screen replaces the old manual sort through breakdown books and tallying up stock needs. AwardPro does it for you..

·         You just need to check the stock to see if you have any in stock if you have not yet added your inventory into AwardPro



·         The Qty column shows you how many are required for the job

·         The Stock column Shows you how many you have in stock (if you have added your stock in the system)

·         The On Order column shows you how many are going to be ordered.


What you do here is check to make sure you are happy with what is being ordered. You might have something in stock so here is were you adjust the stock needs to refine the suppliers orders.


1.      Check the stock levels and adjust the Stock column value if you have some in stock. This will automatically reduce the suppliers order. It may say that you have stock and when you go to pick the stock  you find the quantity stated is wrong so you can adjust this here.

2.      Once you are happy with the stock needs click on the Stock Picked button. This action removes the job listing form the Job Stock Management Screen so that your list is cleared of jobs dealt with. The idea is to clear this screen out daily. Once cleared any new order get added to the list and you go through the same procedure to clear them.


For more details On Daily Stock management - Click Here (try right clicking and open in new window)


3. Place Stock Orders


Now you are ready to place stock Orders. You have cleared all new jobs and sorted stock needs. Go to Pending Stock Orders.



·         This is a list of all supplier orders that needs to be placed.

·         The Job Date is a very handy piece of information. It shows you the earliest job finish date involved in the suppliers order. You might have multiple customers stock needs on the one supplier order. The Job Date shows the earliest finish date which helps you make decisions as to whether you should place the order now or hold off.

·         Double click on an order to open it.



To Place a stock order:

1.      You have to Attention the order to one of the contacts. This is mainly in case you are emailing the order. The program needs to know which email address to send it to.

2.      You also have to select a required by date so that the supplier knows when you must have the goods.

3.      Once you have done these two things you need to press save to activate the Email / Print Buttons.

4.      Press either Email or Print to place the order.

5.      Once the order is placed it is moved to the Outstanding Orders List. There is no need to carry a paper order as it is all neatly contained in the system.


For more details On Stock Ordering - Click Here (try right clicking and open in new window)


4. Stock Receiving

When the supplier order is received it is a good idea to open up the Outstanding order and Press the received button. This action:

·         Activates the Print Job Stock Button

·         Adds the received date to the Job Stock list for each order

·         Ticks the Stock Received button on the Outstanding Job Schedule (once all orders for the job are in)



5. Stock Sorting

So you've placed you received your orders and now you need to sort the stock out to allocate to your customers.

The Print Stock Sorting Button provides a gem of a report that shows you who the goods are.

·         Print it out so you can unpack the boxes





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