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Outstanding Job Schedule

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See also Outstanding Job Schedule Videos




AwardPro's Outstanding Job Schedule provides a complete list of all work yet to be completed in priority order. The schedule can be filtered to show all or by department view allowing all of your departments to have a clear list of work to be completed.


The Job Schedule shows the departments involved in each job  and each department can check off their work as they do it allowing management to see where jobs are up to.


The schedule is designed to be interactive by all staff so that it is always up to date and accurate. However if you prefer, you can also print the report and distribute it to your departments.


From the Job Schedule screen you can quickly see any over due and due jobs, you can also see how the job is being delivered, how many products and processes are involved in the job, whether all the stock has arrived and if the imprinting detail has been received.


All staff can access the Job Status Note Pad to read or make comment about the status of the particular job. This helps the Production manager and staff keep track of whats going on with individual jobs.


AwardPro's Outstanding Job Schedule keeps all your jobs in order, on track and in control.


Navigating the Schedule


The schedule opens in view all current jobs mode in date order

You can sort by any of the columns simply by clicking into the column header.

The schedule does an automatic update every 20 seconds so you are always seeing live and current information.


Date Range

The schedule opens in view all current jobs mode in date order. You can limit the range forward by selecting a date to show up to.

·         To limit the date range of the Job Schedule report select a date to limit to in the Date to drop down.

·         To revert back to view all tick the View All Box

·         To Include recently completed tick the Include Recently Completed box


Notes (Internal Notes link)

The 'Notes' button provides access the the selected jobs internal notes.


A handy way to make comment about a job regarding the status of the order. All staff can access the Note Pad to read or make comment about the status of the particular job. This helps the Production manager and staff keep track of whats going on with individual jobs.



·         Select the job line you want to work with

·         Press the Notes button to open jobs Internal Notes pad

·         add detail or read information relating to the status of the job.


Examples of notes could be.

5/11 GW - Waiting on 1 piece to arrive to complete order

14/11 LP - Customer has put the Art sign off on hold till Wednesday


It's a good idea to add a date and your initials to notes so that everyone knows when and who made the note.


Department View

You can view by department by selecting a department from the department drop down on the right hand side of the screen.



·         Select the department you want view.

·         All jobs with department work to be completed is shown.

·         Once the department checks the completed box the job is removed from the department view.

·         To see recently completed Jobs as well as non completed tick the Include Completed Jobs box.

·         To change back to view all current jobs regardless of department tick the View All box


Departments can print the form but it is best use the form live so that you are always getting up to date information.


When a department completes their tasks for the job at hand they check the box so that all staff can see the status of the job.


Job Status check system

The schedule shows information to help you Identify realise the status of the jobs



Job Reference: On the sales screen there is a Job reference field. If you entered any text there it will apear here assisting you to recognise what the job is about.

Delivery: From the Sales Screen, shows you the delivery method is involved.

Product Units: Shows how many product units are involved in the job helping you see the big volume jobs at a glance.


Process Units: Shows how many process units are involved in the job helping you see the big volume jobs at a glance.


Stock Received: Once all stock has been received for the job this box will appear ticked. In order for this to happen all stock orders related to this job must be marked as received.


Info: If the job has been marked on the sales screen as details received (Imprint detail) this box will be checked so that the Imprint team knows at a glance that they have information to start working with.

Artwork: There are 2 Artwork columns - Artwork Done and Artwork Complete.

              Artwork Done is checked when the artwork is done and sent to the customers.

              Artwork Complete is checked when the art has been approved and output.

Art Approved: When the customer signs off on the artwork the graphics team checks this box

Output: Check this box when the art department have out put the job such as Sand Blasting Vellum                                   Printing, Sublimation transfer printing, Laser engraving, vinyl printing etc.


Line Colours

Text on the Job schedule can be a variety of colours which provide recognition of the status of the job.


If jobs are not due or overdue the text will be black unless the job has an individual Job plan.

If the job is due today or overdue it will appear in red text on the Schedule


If the Job has an Individual Job Plan and that plan is on track the text will appear in Blue.

If the Individual Job Plan is not on track the line will appear with a red block and white letters


This system helps you quickly identify the status of jobs and makes large important jobs stand out so you can manage work progress easily.


See Individual Job Plan for further details.





For further reference see Training Videos.


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