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Stock Ordering Procedure.

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The first step in stock ordering is to scrutinize each Job's Job Stock list and adjust any stock requirement levels if you have stock on hand that has not been placed into the AwardPro System.


You must start your stock ordering process at the Job Stock Management screen. Even if you don't feel you have to start here we urge you to anyway until you become very familiar with the AwardPro refine Stock Ordering System. Please read the Daily Stock Management Procedure first.


Stock Order Stages

Stock for jobs that is not found in Stock on Hand is automatically added to each suppliers Pending purchase order. Once you place the order it them is moved to the Outstanding Supplier Orders List. Once you press the received button on the Purchase Order screen the order is moved to the Received Order list.


Stock Ordering Procedure

1. Follow the Daily Job Stock Management procedure before ordering stock. Please click here to go to the procedure. This is a very import first step that makes the whole process efficient.


Once Job Stock Management has been completed move on to step 2.


2. Open Pending Supplier Orders. Stock Control Module > Pending Supplier Orders.

·         The column Job Date shows you when the very first due date is of any of the jobs on each Purchase order. This helps you determine how urgent the orders are and helps you consider not placing small orders until the stock requirement builds up or at least until it gets closer to the job.


3. Open each Order to place the order.


4. Check the Stock requirements for anything unusual that may stand out and deal with any instances.


5. Consider adding:

·         A Job Reference to help identify the order. Often used for special orders such custom medals.

·         Supplier Shipping Details if you have specific shipping instructions.

·         Supplier Notes if there is anything specific you want to relay to the supplier


6. Select the Contact Person you wish to send the order to. This sets the order up with an email address to send to.


7. Select the date you require the order to be delivered.


8. Save


9. Send the order by pressing Print or Email

If emailing the order, a PDF file will be attached to an email along with the Contact Persons email address ready to send.


NB. When you press Print or Email the program thinks you have placed the order and moves it to the Outstanding Orders List. If, at the Print Driver screen or the Email screen you decide that you do not want to send the order and cancel it the program will still think that you have sent the order and it will be in the Outstanding orders list.


This is because the Print Driver and the Email screen are not part of the AwardPro program. They are another program and AwardPro has not return links from them so as far as AwardPro is concerned your order is sent.


You can simply add "Not Yet Sent" to the job Reference of the suppliers order so that you have set a marker which you can see in the Outstanding Orders screen.



We recommend that you make up a special signature in your Outlook email system that can be inserted each time you email orders. The note could say something like:


Hi There,

Please find purchase order attached. Please email reply to me letting me know you have received the order. Thanks very much and have a great day.



Your business details.




You should always clear you Job Stock List before placing orders as this is the easiest, most efficient and effective way of managing stock needs.


The program provide notes facility and reference markers so you can communicate special needs.


Once the order is placed with the order is moved to the Outstanding Supplier Orders list.



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