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Daily Stock Management Proceedure

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This document provides a daily routine for the stock manager to perform to ensure that all stock is managed correctly and that stock is on hand when needed.


AwardPro gathers stock requirement data as orders are placed and lists them on the Job Stock Report and the Suppliers orders. The Stock Manager sorts out requirements firstly at the Job Stock Management" Screen and then proceeds to Supplier Pending Orders.


If you have added your inventory into AwardPro the program will automatically deduct stock from pending supplier orders as customer orders are placed. This will be shown in the Job Stock Management listing.


Regardless of whether you have added stock levels to your system the Stock Manager can make adjustments to stock on hand from the Job Stock Screen if it is found that the SOH quantity is not correct. This will then change the supplier order automatically.


So Job Stock Management is like when you manually work out your stock needs except AwardPro does it for you and you just have to double check the requirements.



Procedure Summary


Each Morning:

1.      Perform the Job Stock Management Task.

2.      Check for any Supplier Orders that need to be placed.

3.      Check for any Supplier Orders that are overdue for arrival.




Perform the Job Stock Management Task

Stock Control Module > Job Stock Management


Every morning go through the Job Stock List and make sure the stock requirements are correct. You should read the Job Stock Management document to ensure you know what to do.



1. Open each job's Job Stock List (double click on the job line)


Notice how the yellow high-lighted rows show 2 in stock. This means you must have 2 in stock. Well thats as long as your stock levels are correct.


2. Check the stock requirements and adjust any stock that you know you have in stock.

Get the screen to show the correct order requirement so you know you are not ordering good that are in stock and everything you need for the job is covered.


To Adjust stock levels:

Either change the value in the Stock column or the On Order column.



Special Note: You have to enter a value with a decimal place such as 2.00.


3. Once you are satisfied that all stock requirements have been dealt with:

check the Stock Picked check box at the top left area of the screens header.



4. Press OK

The screen closes and the Job listing is remove form the list.


5. Repeat the exercise with the next Job in the list and continue on until you have cleared the list.

Once the list is empty you can be sure that you have taken care of all stock needs for each new job and that the Pending Purchase orders are correct.


6. All Pending Stock Orders are know correct and ready to order.

·         You can place the orders know or leave them to build up with other sales stock needs.

·         Adding new Sales Orders will not effect the adjustment work you have just completed.

·         All new Sales Orders will generate new Job Stock Lists in the Job Stock management screen for you to manage.


Summary for Job Stock Management

If you clear the Job Stock Management screen everyday you will always be on top of stock ordering and any queries required with the sales rep will be fresh in their mind.


Sorting through stock at the Job Stock Screen is easier than directly form the Suppliers Order because all stock requirements for the one job are in front of you.


Once you have done adjustments at the Job Stock screen, those adjustments are automatically adjusted on the Suppliers orders.


See also

Stock Ordering



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