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Component Variation

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Variation makes Promotional Products easy. Whenever a "Ticked" Variation component lands on a sales screen a variation note pad appears revealing any preloaded variables for the component such as Shirt colours, USB stick sizes and timber finishes. You do not even have to have choices pre loaded, you can add them at the sales point. Any notes added to components are are displayed on supplier orders so the supplier knows what sizes, colours etch you want for the item.


You can import variation choices or just import the tick box activation to provide detailed information or a blank signal to open variation at sales screen. At the sales screen copy and paste pre loaded data or type anything to provide refined and informative documentation.


Variation System




Variation Check Box


1.      Check the box to activate Component variation

2.      Enter any detail by typing and saving or import data with the component list..


Activation means the component variation screen will open at the sales screen when the component lands on a sale allowing you to add to the already component description so that the job sheet  and supplier order gets clear information about the variable in the component.



Variation Note Pad


Information can be imported here or you can simply type and save. If the Variation check box is ticked the variation note pad becomes active and provides detailing data at the sales screen.


You can copy and paste this detail, at the sales screen to define the component for the workshop and the supplier.


At The Sales Screen

When ever you add a Variable ticked component to the sales screen the Component Variation Window appears.

The window shows the component code and the Variation options which you can copy and paste or just re-type in any format to send a clear message to the supplier and the assembly team.





The affected component


Variation Options

The original Variation Options from the component editor



This cell is what is added to the components description. You can copy and paste form the Variation Options or just type anything.

Added information on different lines transpires across to the Job Sheet and the supplier order form so that your detail is in an orderly easy to read state.


Make this choice later.

If you do not know the requirements you can tick the Make this choice later box and the screen will close.

If you select this option the component will be shown in red at the Job Stock Screen alerting the Stock manager that details are required before ordering.


**** add in screen shot here *****




Once you have enter defining detail press OK to save the data to the component description.


To edit the Component Variation Detail.

1.      At the Sales Screen double click on the line item that has component variation activation to open the Job Item Screen

2.      Then close the screen and the Component Variation Screen will re-appear.


Places were Component Variation is seen.


Modify Product Screen

At the Modify Product Screen you can see the detail that has been added. You can not edit it here.



Job Sheet

The detail is laid out underneath the item being added so the assembly staff know exactly what is involved in the break down of the order.



Suppliers Purchase Order

Once you have added the detail to the Sales Screen it is then automatically placed on the suppliers Pending Stock Order directly under the purchasing items listing so the supplier knows exactly what the definitive detail is.



    Screen shot of Suppliers Purchase Order


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