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Handy Products

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We've created some handy Products to help you when creating products.



SPECIAL - Use this for clearance lines or items that you do not have and desire to code up.


CUSTOM - Use this for custom products. The CUSTOM product has a component in it called custom. This is a component under Your Companies supplier code and will order if you do not remove it. It's a reminder component so that the stock manager knows that there is a custom product in the system that may need stock ordering. See also Creating Custom Products


CUSTOM-CLUB - This product is designed to be used for clubs when they want to create their own trophy design. Those orders that are a bit more time consuming than the standard trophy. The idea here is to set the mark up a little higher than standard so that you can make a little more money on those styles of awards that usually take longer to sell and make. See also Creating Custom Products


FREIGHT - There is a non ordering product called FREIGHT which can be used to add a freight charge to your sale.



CC1 & CC2 - These two products are custom centres that you get can use to sell custom centres with after you have adjusted them to suit your business. Click here for more detail.


* Laser Engraving, * Sublimation, * Sand Blasting etc

These are what we call utility products. They are designed to be the base platform for selling processes. Watch this Video to learn more




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