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Handy Components

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Here are a few  handy components that you can build to assist in operations. Some are set as Non ordering and some are set as ordering. You can see on some I have used the * (asterisks) as the first character of the code. This pushed the code to the top of the list and makes it easy to find.


In some cases below I display the component as Code - description - cost




A component to use as a general hardware item for when you are costing and don’t know exactly what hardware will be used. In increments of $.05 you can add a multiple to the Products Bill of Materials to estimate the hardware cost. Notice I used Your Company as the supplier and set it as Non ordering.


*CS1 - Use 1" Centre from Stock - 0.35c (also *CS2)

When the Generic Parts System activates a centre change sometimes you just want to use a centre that you have out the back which may not already be added to your AwardPro Inventory. Thats what this component is for. The cost will be factored in and the Job sheet will have the description in the break down.


CUSTOM - Custom component requirement check sales order

This one is used in you pre-built CUSTOM Product. It is created under Your Companies supplier code and will order if you do not remove it from the CUSTOM product when added to a sales order. It's a reminder component so that the stock manager knows that there is a custom product in the system that may need stock ordering. See also Handy Products


*CC1 - Use Custom Centre - $0.00


This component can be used for when the customer wants a customer centre and you add Custom Centres as a Separate line item. There is no cost here. When you add a trophy to a sales order and the generic parts activate and you want to use a custom centre but you add the centre as a product on a separate line item then you will need to replace the generic centre with something. This component can be used as the filler and it also provide a message on the Products breakdown on the Job Sheet saying to use a custom centre.


Take a moment to read the Custom Centre documentation to fully understand this.





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